How to forgive yourself for hurting someone?
Nov 16, 2016 more
We need to understand that we all make mistakes and it's okay to make mistakes because we are human. Let the person you know that you are sorry for hurting them and let them know that you would not do it again. Then move on. Its okay to make mistake. It really is.
Nov 16, 2016 more
Depending on how you hurt this person and if they're still hurt from whatever happened can be hard. In this world, no matter how many times you apologize and make up for the deed sometimes people will still give you a cold shoulder. The best thing you can do is apologize, and accept it with yourself. Not everyone will accept you back in their lives, but if you accept and love yourself then it won't be something you have to worry about anymore.
Nov 18, 2016 more
It's tough, the most important part is accepting that you've hurt them and understanding how/why it happened. Once you've accepted that it has happened and why it happened you then need to focus on letting it go. It's not an easy thing to do; guilt is an extremely potent emotion and it's one of the more tricky ones to deal with!
Nov 18, 2016 more
I'm assuming you've had some tough conversations with yourself by this point; you've searched for the answers to why you did what you did, what sent you down that road and most importantly, what reparations you've made toward that person and are they aware of how sorry you are. If you've crossed those hurdles then it's time to know a few things; we're often harder on ourselves than we are on other people, we'll often forgive others before we forgive ourselves and we're also in the invidious position of remembering our own wrong doings long after we've forgotten what others did to us. On that basis, give yourself a break. Know what happened, own it, forgive yourself and move on. None of us is perfect and by making mistakes we learn a huge amount about ourselves in the process. Don't let history repeat itself and make attempts to live a good life; forgiving yourself will follow.
Nov 19, 2016 more
Accept the fact that you already hurt this person and you cannot take it back. What you can do is to say sorry. If you want to prove him/her that you are still worthy of that person's trust, then do it.
Nov 25, 2016 more
Its not easy. I cheated on my girlfriend back in june. I was overwhelmed by guilt but the best thing i found to forgive myself was help others. It makes me feel less bad of a person despite my wrongful actions
Nov 27, 2016 more
Recognize that you are a human being, and human beings, every single one, has their flaws. You are not perfect. Everyone hurts people sometimes, and most of the times it's an accident. If you feel genuine regret, you should recognize it and move on. You can't change the past. You made a mistake, yes, but now you should be looking forward into the future, because that is what matters, in the end. Forgive and move on.
Feb 11, 2017 more
Separate what you did from who you are. Realize that going back may not make things better. Sometimes you have to look for forgiveness in after coming to terms with yourself.
May 4, 2017 more
Just know that everyone makes mistakes and that you were ignorant back then, but now you know and recognize what you did. Know that it's the past, there's nothing you can do now (in most cases), what happened happened, and that you can only learn from your mistakes and continue on with your life.
Jul 13, 2017 more
Remember that people make mistakes. You may have made one, but you don't have to let that one mistake define who you are, who you want to be. It's easier said than done, agreed, but there really is no other way to go about this. Forgive yourself, forget the past, move on to live in the present and enjoy the moment. Good luck!