How to be happy again? It's been so long I forget what happy feels like.
Feb 19, 2016 more
Life's like a long dark tunnel. Most people have good light sources, like a bunch of flashlights. And some of us have just a candle. But just no matter what there's always light. You just have to look for it. Your flashlight is waiting for you.
Mar 19, 2016 more
Find what you love and hold on to it, and don't let other people take it away. No matter what other people do or say, always hold on to that one thing that keeps you motivated, energetic, and helps you get through the day.
Mar 20, 2016 more
Focus on yourself remember that you are strong, beautiful and smart. Take time out for yourself, have a nice relaxing bath or even better have a cup of tea!
Sep 15, 2015 more
Yes you will!!! "the rainbow only comes after the rain" - You have to go through some of the bad stuff to get through the good, and you will get there!!
Feb 26, 2016 more
A question I used to ask myself a lot. Then I realised that happiness is an inside job, you are in control of how you feel, you are in control of how you perceive a situation and the value you give it. Count the blessings in your life every day and be grateful for them. Chose happiness and happiness will find you.
Feb 21, 2016 more
I struggled with this a lot. Try your best to find something that actually makes you genuinely smile, that way you know what feeling happy is like again and you know what you need to do to attain happiness. It wont be easy though. Good luck! :)
Mar 10, 2016 more
I wish there was a magic bullet, but the only way I found so far is to try to be busy and get what little happiness I can find day to day. I try to set reachable goals for myself and work to reach them. It is somewhat effective.
May 12, 2015 more
Yes. Everyone will feel happy and unhappy at some point in their life. Change in lifestyle, meeting new people, starting a new job could all contribute.
Mar 10, 2016 more
find something to do that makes you happy, but since you forgot what the sensation is like, try writing or something to express yourself with, there's a whole list of things you could try, I say the best way to feel happy is to genuinely laugh. Laughter is great :)
Jul 14, 2015 more
You sure will! One day someone or something will make you happy. As they say though "look for the bad and you will find it" meaning that there's always something negative about people, a situation, a place etc but it's about what you're willing to put up with and what you're willing to see. If you see the bad in someone or something, you need to be able to search for the good too. We all have our flaws, no one is perfect.