How do you deal with depression after a breakup?
Dec 16, 2015 more
I think that finding other activities to occupy my time were the best way for me to deal with post breakup depression. Surrounding myself with fun and positive people was also a big part of getting through it.
Dec 16, 2015 more
It is hard to deal with a breakup and depression at the same time. It is important to keep yourself busy and finding time for yourself. It is imperative that we remember who we are and what are needs are. We need to regain self worth and independence by being active and doing things that are most important to you.
Dec 16, 2015 more
The best way to deal with depression after a break up is to remove all reminders of that person and delete pictures of that person from our phones/devices. Accept that it happened and build your self worth by reminding yourself there so many other people who will care about you and accept you for who you are. Find other distractions like exercising, hobbies and spending more time with family/friends. Focus on getting yourself back to feeling good about yourself by pampering yourself and working on improving your self image.
Dec 17, 2015 more
The ways you can deal with depression after break up is 1) spend time with family and friends (That's the best remedy) 2) Find as many distractions as you possibly can to keep your mind off them. 3) Get reminders away from you and out of site until you are able to cope with seeing them. 3) Help others
Dec 17, 2015 more
You could do something that makes you happy like hang out with friends or enjoy any hobby like, playing any sport, listening to music, or reading a book or anything that you like. Give Time for yourself pamper yourself maybe go to some spa or somewhere else you enjoy going
Dec 17, 2015 more
It is important to remind yourself if there isn't someone to do so for you that there are many people in the world all as unique and lovable as the next and that it isn't the end of days, This is a normal reaction to such a situation and you should only become worried if the depression hovers or lingers for two weeks or longer and has been unrelenting.
Dec 18, 2015 more
Getting over a breakup can be really tough. It's okay to be upset, and it's natural to feel depressed and hopeless after a breakup. But, it shouldn't keep you from functioning as you normally would. A breakup isn't the end of the world, even if it feels that way. Stay strong, and get help if you feel depressed constantly after a breakup! c:
Dec 18, 2015 more
Divert your attention to brighter things. Go back of discover new hobbies. Reconnect wih old friends. Focus on your family and career.
Dec 18, 2015 more
First of all you should delete all your text messages with that person and at least leave the photographs in a place where you have not the temptation to look at them (you have minimize to 0 all your contact with your memories with that person, read text messages and watch to your old photographs with that person will only make you feel worse).
You should hang out with your friends and maybe meet new people. Being locked crying at home won't help you a bit.
It's a slow process, but you will feel better soon
Dec 19, 2015 more
The best thing for me was to just find a group of friends I could trust to spend time with who understood what I went through during the relationship and breakup.