How do I tell people I'm depressed?
Dec 21, 2015 more
If you want people to know that your depressed, tell them how you feel, tell them the current situation you're in. Tell them honestly, also tell them why do you think you're depressed.
Dec 29, 2015 more
Talk with one of family member who'll listen to you without being judgmental. You can talk with your closest friend.
Jan 14, 2016 more
just say i am down and your situation why you are and they should be able to figure it out from there
Jan 15, 2016 more
Sometimes we don't need to tell people that we are depressed in order to allow them to understand that we are struggling. If you do choose to tell people that you have depression you need to be prepared for a whole range of reactions from denial, rejection, support and even over protectiveness. There is no best way to tell people you are depressed because everyone's situation is unique as are their relationships. Often it is better to tell those closest to you first and explain how you feel they can help for example "I've been really struggling recently and I've been feeling very low, it's been suggested/I think I have depression".
Jan 15, 2016 more
If you want to tell them - which you are not obligated to - there are many ways you could do that and it depends on who you want to tell in which setting. You could ask them what they know about depression or just tell them you've got a diagnosis etc. Imagine how you would react if a friend/family member or colleague told you to check what might be too much information.
Jan 16, 2016 more
It depends on who you are telling. If it someone close to you, such as a friend or a family member, you can either say it bluntly or you can ease into it by telling them how you have been feeling lately and whether or not you'd like to receive professional help for it, or if you simply just need someone available to listen when you are feeling depressed.
Jan 20, 2016 more
well if you are depressed you will feel worthless, helpless and useless. you will feel like you constantly have something on your shoulders
Jan 20, 2016 more
Sometimes it depends on how well they know you and if they know your behaviors to tell em youre depressed. Some people know the signs of depression and if they care theyll understand. But it all depends on the person. Sometimes its easy to just sit down and tell em. Or if you have a councelor and you feel you could do a joint counceling session then that may help too
Jan 21, 2016 more
So, I like to sit them down and just let the person know that I can't always be happy, that it's not something I can control and ask them if they could just be there for me.
Jan 21, 2016 more
By voicing out if you already know you are depressed you must tell people you dont feel like doing some thing or joining them for a reason of you feeling low .