Aug 4, 2016 more
First step is usually to stop being too harsh on yourself. People who demand perfection from themselves are usually people who judge others.
Aug 6, 2016 more
Think of yourself as the other person. Put yourself in their shoes. Whenever you judge, try to stop for a moment and think "is it really worth it?"
Aug 7, 2016 more
It's easy for us to make snap judgements, as it is how our brains are wired to do so. Our survival was based on quick judgement and execution, and this is a social holdover into today's times. What it takes is having an actively questioning mentality. Question the initial thoughts that are there, and challenge them with kindness. It takes time to get the hang of, but with practice it becomes almost as easy as making those judgements.
Aug 14, 2016 more
I think first acknowledging that it's perfectly normal, and human to have judgements. What causes problems is when we start to believe our judgements are true, and we act according to those judgements.
Every time I find myself judging someone else, especially in a negative light, I turn and look inward at myself - what is it about me that is not accepting of this person or behaviour or way of being? Is what this person is doing/being truly wrong, or is it a judgement passed down to me by my family, community or society?
It's important to question why you're judging - and this can take some effort, but I find it always relieves the judgement and I can find common ground with the person I am judging.
Aug 17, 2016 more
think about how you would feel if the person you maybe judging was you or a close friend or family member how would you like others to act towards them.
Aug 21, 2016 more
you can let others speak about their side of the story and try not to judge on the weirdness or not making sense to you, let them for heard and not do the other way around and bring them down.
Aug 22, 2016 more
You want to realize that judging people will put you in a thought process that brings constant anxiety. You don't want anxiety.
Aug 25, 2016 more
You have to think about what the other person is going through - you have no idea what is going in their life. They may be going through an extremely difficult time and having someone judging them may make them feel even worse. You should try putting yourself in their shoes and imagine how you would feel if the situation was reversed.
Aug 29, 2016 more
Instead of looking at/ for someone's or something's fault, look for the good in it.
Aug 31, 2016 more
Being judgemental is a normal human function. It´s our behavior and how we treat others that we have to control. Judging isn´t always bad, it helps us to distinguish who is friendly and who is out to harm us.
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