Jul 23, 2016 more
Well, before judging, always realize there could be more that you don't know. If people first saw me, they'd think "why is she so week and emotional?" Or "She is being so selfish, her life is great!" But after I told you my little story, you'd get an idea why.
Of course people can always be judgemental, but like you, all I can do it try.
After taking into consideration that everyone has a story, it's important not to get mad, no matter how sad, or lame you think it is.
Of course you can be judgemental in other ways to, but the best thing you can do is, just try not to be negative before knowing everything. But, even when you think you know everything about the situation, there's almost always more.
Sorry, this is a hard question to answer.
Jul 23, 2016 more
Understand that other people might be self concious about whatever you're judging them about and they might not have much control over it. They might be going through something and you don't know. You also can't just take the chance and assume they probably aren't. Remembering that and remembering how it makes me feel when people assume theres nothing wrong with me or my friends stops me from being judgemental.
Jul 27, 2016 more
Understand that being judgmental will only do you harm in the long term. Quietly and internally judging people won't hurt anyone if you need to start that way, but being harsh like that to others has serious repercussions. A girl who was mean to me was extremely judgmental and ended up graduating and going to a less-awesome college because she was too busy being mean, and her boyfriend only considers her a bootycall since she won't talk emotionally/deeply with him without judgment.
Jul 27, 2016 more
a person can refrain from being judgemental by putting themselves in another's shoes. only them will they truly understand.
Jul 28, 2016 more
First, I think it might be good to begin asking why are you judgmental? Most often than not, we are judgmental because secretly, we think are or know the standard for what's right or wrong. We can be judgmental when others' values clash with ours. So it is good to find out why & what you are judgmental about & work on those areas.
Jul 28, 2016 more
We are all judgemental, despite not realising it, but consider these prejudices may not be true. Just stop and take time to recollect.
Jul 28, 2016 more
Start by noticing it and trying to change by being nice by controling your opinion if you know it could hurt someone feelings
Jul 29, 2016 more
Empathy. Empathy is powerful. Just imagine how you would feel if you were in there situation. See people for what they are rather than what they aren't.
Jul 30, 2016 more
Keep the judgements to yourself never tell it to people because it will hurt their feelings. Please keep it in your head
Aug 4, 2016 more
I think the best things to do to lesson how judgmental a person is, is to gently transform your thought. Like if you think something rude about a person, follow it up with something nice. It's natural to judge though.