Jan 15, 2020
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Being completely non-judgmental for me is difficult because I can find myself judging unconsciously. Only by bringing it to the forefront of my mind do I even realize its happening. Once I do realize this I really try to imagine reasons why I would make those choices or actions. This helps me understand the situation on what I feel is a more personal level. If that does not help because I just can not picture myself in the situation, I try to recall everything I know and do not know about the individual to help me understand what else could be happening in their life that could have had an effect on their actions/choices.
Feb 1, 2020
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Taking a step back and putting yourself in the other person’s shoes might be a start for you. You can then have a better understanding of why they are acting or doing things in ways that are foreign to you. Having an understanding also helps you to move forward and accept things that you wouldn’t normally understand. Think about how you would feel if the shoe was on the other foot and you were being judged constantly by a variety of people. At the end of the day, only you know all the circumstances regarding your life. Before you engage with someone remember that it is difficult to give sound advice if you do not have all the facts.
Feb 16, 2020
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Hmm that is a good question which many people often deal with even me. Firstly try to come up with the cause of you reacting this way. Is it something you learnt as a child or is it something you saw your parents and your family doing?
Also there are some questions you should ask yourself when you see yourself reacting this way:
1) "Why do I feel the need to judge?"
2) "What triggers me to have such judgemental thoughts?"
3) Try to look at the person you are judging and find a reason for the way they are acting. We don't know what's truly going on with people, so how can we judge?
4) "Is my judgmental behaviors only to others or is it to me as well?"
Feb 16, 2020
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How to stop youself from being judgemental is that you have to retrain your thought process about what veer the subject matter is eg: someone with yellow hair or loud or to shy the list is endless for which to be judgemental about, so with some discipline each time you are going to make a comment to others or to yourself about it just take a step back and pause, thtink about what your saying, ask yourself what would you htink if someoen made a judgemental comment about you or your kids or another family member we are as a race all to quick to pass comment and judgement without thought.
Mar 1, 2020
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Calm down. Let things go. Focus on other things. Focus on the bigger picture. Walk a mile in their shoes. Get real comfy. Everybody struggles from a battle you know nothing about. Are they a good person? What's the point in judging? It gets you nowhere. There's so many more things to think about. Help the person. Don't judge them. Nobody is perfect. Have you never made a mistake? Get off your high horse. Be kind always. Who are you to judge? View things from a different perspective. Consider their point of view. Like my daddy says, "Patience is a virtue."
Mar 29, 2020
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A way that you can try to change judgemental thoughts is by reflecting on what you are thinking as you are thinking each thought. Ask yourself these three questions - is this judgement useful to the other person right now? Is this judgement necessary right now? Is this judgement kind to the person?
These three questions are really good to ask yourself before you are about to speak too. It can help you to see whether you are in a more empathetic mindset. Or, it can help you take a moment to think about how you phrase your wording or thoughts.
Apr 9, 2020
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Take a deep breath and realize that no amount of stressing over something ever made it less stressful. Recognize any judgemental thoughts when they occur and redirect your thinking on a more positive path. Find something to admire in others and appreciate each individual’s uniqueness. If what you’re thinking about isn’t nice or positive, why waste energy thinking about it at all? What other’s choose to do with themselves and their own lives is none of our concern. Remember that every human being is a person just like you, who has a right to believe, think, feel, and express themselves in a manner that pleases them.
Apr 15, 2020
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Hey there, it's hard but I feel like when you learn their story and where their coming from it makes it easier to understand perhaps what you are judging on them. The second thing is to make a conscious decision not to take your judgements seriously until you fully know the person. It's hard because I feel we are all hard-wired to judge things but oftentimes our judgements aren't true. If you really get into their situation and see why they are thiking a certain way then you will be able to understand why they do certain things or dress a certain way...
Apr 23, 2020
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We judge without understanding. Without understanding what that person is going through or what they have overcome. We need to learn to accept that some people are fighting their battles and we should not judge them based on the face value of it. We judge people at the very first look at them and that changes into our opinion about them. Accept that every person is different in their own way and no two people can be the same. This will certainly affect how people perceive you too. Judgements block our way of thinking and and once we form judgements, we find difficult to change our opinions which might create a barrier in getting to know people.
May 7, 2020
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Remind yourself that no one is perfect. Humans are inherently imperfect. We were born to fall in errors. It’s the imperfection that holds the beauty. We should respect others choices, decisions and feelings. People might be going through many problems in life which made them who they are today. That is really who they are or at least trying to be. And no one is same, we all have our own problems, up and downs, choices and insights. And that is it. Just try to see the world or the situation through their eyes and try and understand them.