Jul 4, 2018 more
The best course of action would be to breathe, count to 10, then put yourself in the person’s shoes. Usually, when people say that, what they mean is to let yourself imagine you being that person. To imagine what they feel about themselves everyday. To imagine how they feel when they are judged likely based on something they can’t changed. Or are judged because of how they are.
Just how would you feel in their shoes?
Jul 7, 2018 more
Well I think you should understand the person first before judging them , put yourself in their shoes for a second.
Jul 7, 2018 more
by accepting and understanding that everyone you meet is different, and loving the person for who they are.
Jul 12, 2018 more
Learn to accept others how they are. Everybody is unique and no one is perfect. Sometimes it takes a bit to realize That, but once you do, you'll find that everybody should be treated equal while still containing their own qualities!
Jul 16, 2018 more
Well, if you are wondering how to stop being judgmental, that is half the job done already: you seem aware of it and determined to change. Not that much can be said of many people on the planet…
Second, it may help to know that being human, you do need to “assessâ€, constantly, that is what the brain does, we assess and recalibrate all the time, to adapt to our environment, to new problems, to figure out if people, things are safe, and the thing is that assessing and judging can sort of …blend accidentally. And before you know it, you passed judgment It can help thinking: ok, I have passed a “judgement†on A or B, how does it help me? does it close doors or open them? do I need them closed or open? and wonder how the assessment/judgment you passed helps you deep down or not.
Third, one thing that greatly helped me to stop being judgmental was to turn an assessment I had just made on its head: say for example, I saw someone who was grumpy on the road, and I think “oh, what a miserable so and soâ€, then I think, ok, let’s say that I got the wrong end of the stick, that the truth is, actually, this grumpy person is the sweetest person alive, what could make him/her grumpy with me like that? then I come up with reasons that are possible: their knee has been hurting for three days and they haven’t slept. …or, a difficult relative is coming to town and the weekend will be exhausting, or… their best friend is in hospital and they are worried sick and in a hurry to see them. If I can’t dismiss any of those possible reasons as not plausible, it calms me down.
And fourth… you could volunteer as a listener here! the aim of all listeners is to completely remove judgment from their approach, and you’d be surprised, first that it is a conscious effort often, you’d be surprised what a relief it brings to the listener to remove judgement, when you can empathise with someone anonymously, because your task is not not judge. We all learn to be less and less judgemental, it is a life task, and every step you take towards it feels like a liberation.
Then for the groups or people you find really hard not to judge, well, it may come as a relief to know that it is a skill, not something you are born with, and it takes some hard work sometimes. I struggle especially with not judging certain… political figures in my country, and try to think they must have really lost their way big time. So i stop judging them (not easy, i grant you!), but assess their actions and how it affects people instead.
In any case, you are half way there! keep going!
Jul 18, 2018 more
By putting yourself into their shoes. Think what if you were in their place. It would help you understand their situation better.
Jul 19, 2018 more
I will not base your character on what you’ve done, your regrets and how you manage yourself as a human being.
Jul 19, 2018 more
The best way I have found to not be judgemental is putting yourself in someone else's shoes! Imagine how it would feel to be them, how it would feel to be judged for whatever the situation may be!
Jul 20, 2018 more
imagine how you feel being judged by other people and try to not do it to others but its would make them feel how you would feel
Jul 22, 2018 more
If you just think of how it would affect other people, it is easy to realize how harmful it can be, and you don’t want to be the one to put someone in a situation that would make them uncomfortable