Jan 24, 2018 more
Perhaps if you try putting yourself in that persons shoes seeing how harsh it is will change how you think a bit
Jan 31, 2018 more
It isn't something that can happen in a short time. It needs small steps and positive thinking. Try see things from another perspective. Think others as they are your friends or smth. Focus more on yourself.
Feb 1, 2018 more
Not being judgmental is not about not having any judgments. It is about being able to say that judgment is not important right now. It takes conscious effort to suspend your judgment.
Feb 4, 2018 more
Try to keep an open mind, sometimes you have to push your opinions aside and imagine yourself in people's situation to understand where they're coming from.
Feb 4, 2018 more
By trying to be more empathetic.You should try to understand other people from their point of view.And by not assuming things about people on irrational or invalid basis.
Feb 7, 2018 more
To stop being judgemental, you can just think if I were in this position how would I feel? you should hopefully know how to stop then.
Feb 9, 2018 more
Get to know others. Talk to people more. See others perspective too. Know that different people have different opinions and just because they don't have the same opinion as yours they are wrong.(doesn't apply when they other person is actually wrong)
Feb 10, 2018 more
accept that people do the things they do for a reason and that they have a reason as to why they believe a certain thing.
Feb 15, 2018 more
Remember that even thought that person has flaws, everyone does. Including you. If you can’t accept someone’s flaws, and that they’re different from you, then you should be open to judgement as well.
Feb 21, 2018 more
Being judgemental is a nature in human beings. I am a very very very judgemental person. But, how you deal with it is crucial.
It took me a hard way to learn this. So I hope this tips will help others to avoid getting into trouble like me...
So, first you must tell yourself, being judgemental is normal. Everybody judge each other.
BUT, you need to hold your tongue and your body language. Try to act calm and keep your thoughts to yourself. NEVER say it to anyone, because it would always backfire on you (trust me, i've been there). So, keep all the judgmental thoughts to yourself, and don't tell anybody.
The next step after you keep your thoughts to yourself, is to talk to the person that you judge. Just have a short conversation. This way, you can learn about the person better. And sometimes even change your mindset about the person. If you do not want to approach or say anything, then keep your thoughts at bay. Just leave it one side, but do not label the person, just through your judgings. Because sometimes it may not be true.
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