How do I know if I'm sad or depressed?
Feb 10, 2016 more
If your sad, it goes away faster and is not as temporary. Depressed makes you feel like you cant do anything.
Feb 10, 2016 more
Sadness is a normal human reaction however depression is an illness which affects your thinking, learning and other types of things. You will know by going to your GP and telling them about your symptoms, for example crying all night every night. Your doctor will tell you if you're depressed, otherwise you might just be sad. There is no real way of telling if you're sad or not yourself. That is in my opinion anyway.
Mar 13, 2016 more
You will know it because you will stay sad for a long period of time or longer and nothing would cheer you up and nothing interests you.
Mar 20, 2016 more
If you're sad or depressed, you will find the signs in your routine behavior itself, e.g., having a low self-esteem, worrying a lot, analyzing situations on an 'either or nothing' basis, withdrawal from activities which once looked enjoyable, getting irritated on the slightest pretexts accompanied by, in some cases, appetite loss or binge eating.
Jun 5, 2016 more
It can be hard to know the difference for sure! The main differences between the two, for me, is 1) how severe the sadness is and 2) how constant it is. If you feel sad after you get a bad grade, or have an argument and emotion hangs round, that ok, we can talk to you about that. However, if you wake up feeling anxious or really down for no apparent reason, if its very hard to lift your mood or if you have thoughts of hurting yourself, this is a clear indication of depression. We here at 7 cups are still here to help and support you always, we will talk to you about possible steps to get you feeling the way you deserve! Either way, feeling said isn't fun, so take a look at the listeners and give one a message, we are here to help!
Oct 17, 2016 more
Sadness is controllable. you will feel sad for a small while and you will return to normal. Depression on the other hand drags you so far down that its very heard to get out of unless you surroud yourself with people who care about you, and if need be, get the medication you need
Feb 28, 2017 more
when im feeling really down and lost hope of everything couldnt bother about anything, when you just feel really numb and emotionless, or when you cry at night
Apr 4, 2017 more
You can't really know if you are not diagnosed. I recommend the youtube video "Sadness vs depression" by The Mighty. Depression is like a sustainable weight while sadness is a temporary feeling that is more easily fixed by fun. Do some research and if you are worried, go reach out for professional help!
Nov 9, 2017 more
I don't know if I'm depressed because I'll feel extremely low for a certain amount of days or weeks but then I'll have like 2 happy days or something then I feel like everything's getting better but then I go back to the way I normally feel (low) or a few more days or weeks. So I'll have really bad days but also really good days but generally I've been feeling low for over 2 years now
Dec 9, 2017 more
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