How do I know if I'm sad or depressed?
Aug 24, 2015 more
Sadness is something we all experience, it's a normal human emotion. We experience it when we experience something unpleasant in life such a loss, a disappointment, and so on. Sadness is what happens when normal events occur in ways that are hurtful and can occur at very regular intervals in our everyday lives. However, sadness is not constant but depression is. Sadness is not an every-moment-of-every-day thing like depression is. Sadness relents, depression doesn't. Besides that, sadness is interrupted by periods of laughter but depression often can’t be budged by even when something is really funny. In short, depression is far beyond sadness that occurs often but depression is long term . Sadness is painful , but it is normal and it does pass. However, depression is beyond painful because it's life-altering, and often does not resolve itself without medical intervention.
Aug 25, 2015 more
Only a psychiatrist can determine that for sure, however depression is usually linked more along with not enjoying your life altogether, feeling constantly upset and drained, and sometimes suicidal. Whereas sad is more temporary, like 'aw that really sucked.' There is a very large difference between the two.
Nov 16, 2015 more
Your body has a strange way of alarming you that you are not ok. I was once manipulated by a man and I will say with absolute confidence that when you are unsure what to think, trust that your body will never lie to you. If it's sore, it will tell you. Same with being tired, in love, happy, excited, hurt - everything! So listen! If you find yourself carrying your body rather than prancing around in it, you are sad. If you are walking around with a limbo/ just woken up feeling - chances are you've been manipulated, are tired, or are too stressed to. Your body will hang in there, but look after it. It deserves your love just as much as love from others.
Dec 11, 2015 more
Sadness is a normal human emotion, depression is a mental health issue, if it lasts for a while then it may be best to consider visiting the doctor
Dec 12, 2015 more
Being depressed is not being only sad. You can feel worthless, wonder what your purpose is and just feel like complete poop. If you feel down a lot of the time, it's most likely depression.
Dec 12, 2015 more
when your sad,you just forget your saddest moments within days.while when you are in a depreesed state,you feel like you are alone,emptiness all around,not feeling like talking to anyone,etc.
Dec 13, 2015 more
Depression is a constant feeling that you can't shake off, whereas sadness isn't. Sadness can be painful at the moment, but depression is something that really alters your life and is often unbearable.
Dec 13, 2015 more
Sad is a feeling. Depression is more a lack of feeling. You're either tearful often or find no point to doing things, though depression can be different for everyone. Depression is more either a constant sadness or a lack of sadness, depending on you
Dec 13, 2015 more
Everyone is sad or down some of the time. But if you find yourself increasingly sad, losing interest in the things you do and more lethargic then you may suffer from depression
Dec 13, 2015 more
It depends how long you've been sad. If its on going you might be depressed and id advise you to talk to a doctor to get evaluated.