How do I know if I'm just feeling sad, or if I really have depression?
Mar 3, 2015 more
Sadness is not constant. Depression is something that takes hold and you cannot see light. Sadness is caused by a loss or situation, but there is light and it does not last for extended periods of time. You can come out of it, even for a short while. Depression is all encompassing.
May 8, 2015 more
It depends, do you have thoughts of self harm or suicide? Do you feel sad all the time like its a normal thing, how long does your sadness last. There are online depression tests you can take to see.
May 1, 2015 more
Not every bout of sadness is caused by depression, and realizing that is good! Life comes with good days and bad days, and that's just what it is. However, if you have felt sad and/or been experiencing other symptoms of depression (such as lack of motivation to do whings/change in weight or appetite/change in sleeping patterns) and this has lasted more than just a few weeks, go see your doctor. Explain what's going on. Even if it turns out NOT to be depression, your doctor might be able to help you relieve those symptoms. Seeking help when you feel like you need it is never wrong!
Mar 3, 2015 more
Depression is generally considered to be a period of sadness that does not let up and lasts for at least 2 weeks. I have not had that happen, because I have amazing friends that can make me laugh and be happy on a daily basis, but I knew, when the thoughts turned to dark topics such as suicide, and what the world would do without me. I addressed it and wrote it out, to be official. Also, if certain assemblies, and/or topics like things people didn't know about (you or someone else) seem to be a real sadness trigger, such as I figured out for myself.
If you think what you are feeling is more than just sadness over, say, a broken toy you'd had as a child, you should assess the situation to see what triggered it, and how it makes you feel.
Apr 22, 2015 more
Sadness comes once in a while, but when you tend to be sad all of the time with symptoms like loss of interests in everything, inability to sleep, weight loss without dieting, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness, suicidal feelings, it means that you may have depression and should consider meeting a therapist.
Sep 12, 2016 more
I guess the chemicals in my bipolar brain would tell me so. For depression, it would get serious to the point me thinking about suicide while sadness is to a lesser degree.
May 10, 2015 more
Everyone feels sadness but depression is a prolonged bleakness that external factors cannot change.
Sep 19, 2016 more
Depression is characterized by a long period of grief, sadness, loneliness, feelings of worthlessness, and even numbness. Generally, depression is an ongoing thing. Sadness passes in a week or less.
Oct 10, 2017 more
There are different signs of depression such as eating disorders, mood swings, sleeping problems, lost interest in activities that used to be interesting, frequently crying, anger irritability, withdrawal from friends and family
Jun 18, 2018 more
Sadness is short term, it can last from a few minutes to a couple of days. Depression is a lot more serious. It is a long term issue lasting from months to years. It also includes symptoms like feeling unmotivated, no care for hygiene -staying in the same clothes for days and or not showering-, sleeping too much or lack thereof, and others.