How do I know if I'm depressed or just lazy or unmotivated?
110 Answers
Moderated by Smita Joshi, BA Psychology / MA / Advanced EFT Practitioner
Updated: Jun 2, 2021
Mar 13, 2016 more
You know because you will think all or your favorite sport doesn't interest you anymore and whenever someone asks you to go you just end up acting even more sad.
Mar 25, 2016 more
there's obvious signs of depression if you know what to look for, it just depends on the case, if you feel that you are depressed then you should seek help from a professional.
Mar 29, 2016 more
You should see a doctor to be on the safe side, but it is your choice to realize this its your life i hope you are safe and healthy
Mar 31, 2016 more
The only way to find out if you're depressed is to visit a therapist, counsellor or a doctor. You won't know for sure until visiting one of those and being diagnosed. :)
Apr 2, 2016 more
Well, along with having no motivation, you will experience some of the other symptoms of depression as well. If you want to learn more about depression read
Apr 24, 2016 more
Whether it's depression or laziness, if you're seriously unmotivated, it's worth addressing and seeking support. We need a healthy level of motivation to care for ourselves, develop and sustain relationships, and pursue education or a career. All of those things suffer when we're unmotivated. Learning some strategies to tackle a lack of motivation or getting some professional help might really improve your life.
May 5, 2016 more
you can consider it from both of those points of view, however. depression is complicated and drags you down deeper than usual, you arent being lazy if you generally like to do an activity but you seriously cannot find the motivation to do it no matter the amount of effort you put into it
May 28, 2016 more
You might find it helpful to talk to a therapist in your area about your issues with depressive episodes. If that is difficult, your general doctor might be able to help!
May 28, 2016 more
You know it When you are trying to find solutions to come out of the situation instead of avoiding/escaping from everything that comes in the way.
May 29, 2016 more
Well you can of course look at the symptoms of depression which includes lack of motivation, loss of appetite and sleep among other things, and if you have other symptoms, it's probably because of your depression. Either way, you shouldn't be worried about why you're unmotivated, if you believe that it's because of your depression then that's fine.