How can I tell my parents that I think I'm depressed?
Aug 8, 2019 more
You can tell your parents your depressed in many different ways. Sometimes when I find things hard to tell my parents I try write a letter telling them how I feel. I find that this way can be easier because sometimes sitting down and telling your parents face to face can be extremely nerve racking. If you find it easy to talk to your parents maybe sit them down and tell them you need to talk to them about something. Maybe try tell them your feeling a bit down lately and let the conversation flow from there. It is very brave and courageous to tell your parents how your feeling so you should be very proud of yourself
Aug 28, 2019 more
Opening up to your family is always hard, but honest open communication is the only way to have a fulfilling relationship. If you aren’t comfortable seeking help from them right now you can always start with an adult you do feel comfortable with first. You should always reach out to a medical professional or helpline if you need help right away. Also sometimes writing down your thoughts and feelings can help organize things in your mind to make them easier to communicate to others. I hope this helped but always feel free to reach out here for any struggles you may have.
Sep 25, 2019 more
Start it off on how you feel.. tell them you feel upset and depressed of somethings. Tell them things have been bothering you. Parents are there to support you and listen to you. They should provide full support at all costs. Telling your parents you feel depressed can really help build your relationship with them. My experience with telling my parents I feel depressed was a very hard time for me. I had to build up the courage to tell them how I felt. When I finally told them I was depressed they comforted me and offered me their support.
Oct 6, 2019 more
you could prehaps wait untill there is a calm environment with no one else around and tell them you have something difficult to tell them regarding your well being and ask them to listen untill you are finished. If this is to difficult maybe you could write it in a letter,or even perhaps an email.Sometimes it helps to have a friend there with you in difficult times,or another family member that you can confide in. Your parents should be supportive and help you get the right treatment or therapy, your doctor is also someone that you can confide in.
Oct 27, 2019 more
I was very scared to tell my parents I was anxious. I thought I would be disappointing them or letting them down. I was scared of what their reaction would be. However, when we were all together, talking about a stressful, anxiety-inducing topic for me, I decided to go ahead and share the anxiety I'd been feeling. I was right in that they didn't fully understand it, but it was at least such a relief to have it off my chest. I suggest waiting until you are ready to discuss it and telling them in person. You could bring it up randomly or while talking about a similar topic.
Dec 1, 2019 more
Write down how you're feeling at the minute and pass them the note and go from there. They will talk to you kindly if they really care about how you're feeling. Ask them to refer you to a mental health service if you feel really bad as you can then talk to a stranger and you may feel more comfortable talking to someone you don't know about your feelings. If you go to school or college you can speak to a teacher or tutor, colleges should give you a specific support tutor you can talk to about things, talk to them and they'll ask you whether you'd want them to talk to your parents, say yes and then things will be easier for you that way if you have anxiety.
Dec 1, 2019 more
Acknowledging the problem is the first step. if you already know and accept that you are depressed its a good start. First just be honest with them. Tell them how you feel and if you need help you can mention then as well. It's good if you are open and honest so you can address the issue and work on the plans to tackle it. You can ask if they have time so they won't be rushing. Maybe after dinner or when its quiet. Tell them exactly how you feel and ask for their help. Good luck and remember just try and be as honest and open as possible.
Dec 28, 2019 more
Your parents are the most trust able people. parents don’t ever break your trust so just feel like they are your friends and tell them whatever is perplexing your mind and trust they are gonna give you best advice and you can seek help from them in the best way just go for it parents are the best helpers seek help from them they will give you the best advice since they want best for you love them and trust them even I got into depression as well and when I shared my grief with them they appreciated my effort and showed me the right path
Jan 11, 2020 more
You can start by seeking their advice on how to live a better life and how to cope with unpleasant feelings or try and ask them questions related to how they cope with unpleasant feelings in the past or you can just come straight and tell them how you are allows them to better know how to treat the might seem awkward At first, especially if you dont have a good communication with your parents but in the end,it will be worth it because your parents knows more about real life experiences than we do and they are always willing to sacrifice anything to keep us all,talking to your parents about your depression is a big step to getting better
Jan 30, 2020 more
Sit them down. Tell them that lately you have been feeling extremely down and you'd really appreciate it if they'd support you and help you in whatever way they can. If they don't take it seriously and think that you are just upset or tired, tell them that you feel like this the majority of the time and you want to be listened to. Tell them when this started happening and what made you feel like that (if you know why). Then after a little bit of easing into it, tell them. Say that you're depressed and ask to research into treatment.