How can I stop with triggering myself to self harm?
Jun 9, 2015 more
I think triggers will always come, you just have to work on becoming stronger to not let them win.
Jun 29, 2015 more
Try to keep your mind off of things like, listening to music or taking a small walk. Hang out with friends, if you're triggered then try expressing your feelings by drawing or writing, or take a marker and draw on yourself. That what helped me
Jun 29, 2015 more
Keep yourself busy at the times of day you are likely to self-harm. Don't be alone during these times.
Stay away from any place where you typically self-injure.
Throw away any tools used to self-mutilate.
Nov 30, 2015 more
I would suggest you could find a counsellor/expert help, maybe in behavioural theraphy and/or DBT (dialectic behavioural therapy, a concept invented for people who suffer from Borderline disorder, which are very prone to self harm.) Also you can try to find out what triggers you and find coping mechanisms. What might also help is find comforting "skills" you can use when you feel bad. For some it might be making tea, for some taking a bath, for others taking a walk or flicking a hairband on their wrist.
Dec 14, 2015 more
You might want to consider how it may look like when you do it. Self - harming yourself would not bring you to self- satisfaction, but in fact, it will make your life harder since you will have to see these scars every single day.
Apr 11, 2016 more
Wherever you are that triggers it, like your bedroom or bathroom, immediately leave that area, go outside, go shopping or go see a movie with some friends, escape the triggering area
Aug 2, 2016 more
Try to think or do something else. Try to draw. Try to write. Remember scars you will have from self-harm.
Dec 4, 2017 more
Definitely avoid things that have triggered you in the past. There's no easy way to not self harm. The best strategy for me has been to just tell yourself to wait 15 minutes. Once the 15 minutes is up, wait another 5 and on and on until you loose the urge.
Dec 5, 2017 more
What you do to yourself when you self harm (take into consideration that self harm is not only cutting or burning yourself, but also scolding yourself, emotionally abusing yourself ), can you do these things to somebody else when you are just disappointed in them? Can you harm them like that? No? Then why to do it to yourself?