How can I stop letting my depression make me feel like a burden to others?
Mar 7, 2019 more
Try to ignore the thoughts in your head that make you feel like a burden. If there are people in your life who will reassure you that you are not a burden, reach out to them and let them help. Try to think back on times in your life that remind you that you are indeed not a burden. All of these things are easier said than done, but you can overcome your depression and these types of feelings. Be kind to yourself, like you would be to a friend or loved one. You deserve that kind of care too.
Mar 8, 2019 more
You simply have to realize that it's just your illness telling you that you're a burden. People do care about you and want you around.
I have depression and isolate myself very often but i opened up to a few people about my depression and they said they feel bad when a stay away from people and that they enjoy my company.
Maybe you could start and end your day the way I do by telling yourself a positive mantra. I say this to myself : " I am worth recovery and worth peoples time. People love me and so should I."
Mar 20, 2019 more
I don't think I can say all the time, but most of the time the ones who care about you don't see it as a burden. The ones who genuinely care for you want to help you out. I mean, you've opened up to someone regarding this, so I'm assuming you understand each other pretty well. Even then if you are worried about being a burden talk to the person about this. Find out if they think of you that way. It isn't your fault you are going through such a phase. One thing you should never forget is the person who wants to help you out won't feel that way, you just have to identify the right person to help you out, they will never feel that way.
I hope this was able to help you out.
May 27, 2019 more
People want to help you. The only way you can be a burden is by letting them know you have depression, but not letting them help. If you don't want people to worry, then you need to let them into your life, and let hear your story.
Don't think you're just asking for help because you want attention. If you have depression, then you need to get help before it escalates to something too big. I know first-hand that not telling people, not getting the help you need, can make it all worse. Holding something inside gives you time to think without say.
Even if you don't tell anybody, someone will figure out what you are struggling with. If they care, they will worry. If they don't care, then that is their problem. Only when you block out the people worrying will you be the burden. Or even if you don't want to talk to anybody about what you are going through, just pick up your teddy bear or favorite toy (or favorite book) and talk to it.
Again: only the holding it inside, letting it get worse, will make you any of a burden.
Jun 7, 2019 more
I think this is a significant topic to discuss as a majority of people tend to think of depression as to have behaviors that are attention-seeking or difficult to approach. In fact, depression is a non-communicable disease and the burden of non-communicable diseases are more difficult to circulate around in terms of treatment which creates this assumption. Nevertheless, it must be emphasized that you don't want this depression and you are willing to take approaches to let your mental health improve, hence, fighting through this depression. Demonstrating effort towards fighting your depression shows it won't be as much of a burden towards others, as you are putting the effort to light it, and the others can just do some light work towards helping you like supportive comments or just being there for you.
Jun 22, 2019 more
First of all, it’s important to recognize that what you feel is not always what is real. You may feel like a burden to others, but that doesn’t mean you are! The best way to get a positive reality check is to talk to someone openly and honestly about how you are feeling. If there’s no one you feel comfortable telling, log on to 7Cups and connect with a Listener! It’s important not to get too caught up in your emotions.
Second of all, living with depression is hard. Not a lot of people understand that. If someone doesn’t understand depression, it can lead to them misinterpreting your actions and responding in hurtful ways that can make you feel like you are doing something wrong. Don’t beat yourself up. Talk to them honestly and inform them about what depression really is. If you and the people around you are on the same page, you’ll find that they’re more supportive and patient with you!
Aug 18, 2019 more
Never feel like you are a burden to other people. You have a mental health condition and I am sure they would want you to open up to them so that they can provide you with support and encouragement. Think of it this way... if they were struggling, wouldn't you want to help them? Would you see them as a burden? Talking helps us in our recovery and I cannot encourage you to talk enough. If you broke your arm, you would accept help so why not accept help for your mental health? Just remember depression effects how we perceive ourselves and how we think other perceive us.
Jan 15, 2020 more
You are not a burden. You need help and because you are in a vulnerable situation, you feel like you are burdening others with your problems. You are not a burden! You are a human being who needs help, we all do sometimes.
We all need supportive friends and a supportive family when we hit bumps in the road of life. Life can become hard and we can get depression for a number of different reasons. We deserve support, empathy and non judgmental listening. If you had a friend with depression, would you feel like they are burdening you if they said they are feeling low? If yes, talking to a therapist or counselor who is paid or volunteered to listen might help you talk about your problems.
Feb 7, 2020 more
A depression can often feel like you are a burden to others. that you bother people by talking to them. It's not an easy habit/feeling to break free from. But it can be helpfull to start reaching out for general chitchat at first. and you will see that the people that you love most love you back just as much!! You can also ask if you can talk/ventilate first and you will see they will be there for you to listen and talk. Don't be affraid to reach out. You'll notice that virtually nobody thinks of you as a burden!!
Mar 4, 2020 more
First off, know that your depression is not your fault, and that it isn't a burden to others. A good way to stop feeling this way is to talk to a counselor or therapist instead of family and friends. Counselors and Therapists know how to help, and they're specifically there to help you. If you feel this way due to you not being able to get out of bed, try explaining how you feel, and why you can't get out of bed. Remember that your family and friends love you, and care for you. However, also remember that a therapist is trained to help
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