How can I motivate myself to get out of bed?
33 Answers
Moderated by Anna Pavia, psicologa psicoterapeuta psychotherapist psychologist counselor
Updated: Apr 4, 2022
Jun 25, 2018 more
Have something that you like to do in the morning be a habit. Go on a walk, play an instrument, or do a different hobby.
Apr 6, 2020 more
I find that keeping a planner or being organized is a good way to motivate myself. Knowing what you are doing and having a plan for each day can make life seem less chaotic and easier to manage. Also, you can pick up a new hobby and try some things that interest you, such as art or writing. It may take a while to find something you enjoy, but you'll definitely have a reason to get out of bed each day. If you mean you are too tired to get up, try to regulate your sleep schedule and drink a glass of water when you wake up. Let me know if you want to talk more by sending a message!
Apr 4, 2022 more
For me, getting out of bed can be a real challenge. I battle depression and also my meds make me super drowsy before 10am. I try to focus on something I am looking forward to in the day. I try to disrupt whatever is going on in my brain to make me feel like I cannot get out of bed. I try to focus on smaller and achievable goals. Like if I am just overwhelmed and feeling hopeless about what I need to get done in a day, I try to focus more on smaller steps like "okay, I just need to get up right now. Let's focus on that." My room has a lot of sunlight that comes into it that helps me wake up and get up. I also have a cat who is used to eating at a certain time in the morning and he will paw at my face relentlessly if I do not get up and feed him. I have found that particularly helpful on my worst days.