How can I motivate myself to do things, so that I can feel like my life is meaningful?
Apr 4, 2017 more
Existentialism is a theory that addresses meaning. One of the listeners here said "the meaning of life is to find the meaning in our life" which isn't inconsistent with Frankl's ideas. Frankl is an interesting study - he had to search for meaning despite being a concentration camp survivor experiencing significant losses.
Mar 9, 2015 more
In some point of our life, we are going to feel like nothing cheers us up. Trying to focus in some kind of extra curricular project, doing hobbies... Searching something that we really like can makes us see what life has to offer.
Apr 15, 2015 more
try and finds things to do that intrest you or make you feel good so that you will be motivated to do them.
May 26, 2015 more
Find one thing that you enjoy, and remember that if you do 'this' the closer you get to do thing thing you love. Set goals. Set awards for yourselves. Everyone's life is meaningful.
Jul 20, 2015 more
I think the trick to that is to find something that you enjoy doing. Be it a hobby, or a task or and activity, it doesn't need to be a necessarily "big" thing. Even if it's something as simple as watching that movie you've been meaning to watch, or going for a short walk. Those are big steps on the road that is your life. Motivate yourself to take those little steps by indulging in the things you really love.
Jul 21, 2015 more
Motivation is hard to come by, especially when trying to carry out tasks that you don't usually like doing. Think positive, plan ahead, view the situation realistically, and perhaps set yourself a reward for once you've completed certain tasks to help you push yourself to achieve what you want to! If you can't do it for yourself - do it for someone else :)
Aug 17, 2015 more
I really wish someone would answer this for me actually. I need motivation to do something that gives purpose to my life. I know i have to create it, but how...
Sep 21, 2015 more
you just need to wanted this,and if is real you will be successfull, you need find the main reason to make this, to inspirate you
Dec 8, 2015 more
One thing that helped me when I was at my lowest was having my friends and family write nice things on sticky notes, and hide them all around my house. Whenever I would see one, it would boost me up a little bit. Bring your friends and family into it, ask them to help motivate you. Do more of what you love.
Dec 29, 2015 more
One simple way is to focus on something you can achieve, like a project you can look forward to, plan, start and complete.