How can I help people with depression?
Aug 26, 2015 more
A good start is being there to support them and by listening to them. If their depression is severe to where they feel like hurting them selves direct them to call 911 or go to the hospital.
Aug 27, 2015 more
Check in on them a lot, even if they don't seem too interested. Invite them out for walks. Offer to help them with specific tasks like dinner or laundry or the mail (this could be a one-time thing or recurring). Gently encourage them to get help if they aren't seeing a therapist, but don't nag or order them around. Let them know you care about them. Let them express their negative feelings if they want to, and instead of arguing and saying things aren't that bad, say things like, "I'm sorry you're going through this" and "that sounds awful." It will actually make them feel better if you let them talk about how bad things are, but if you pressure them to "be grateful" or "think positive," they will feel stressed and invalidated and like they can't talk honestly to you. They may be easily overwhelmed, so don't flood them with advice. They may need help breaking tasks up into small manageable steps. If it's very important to you that they do a particular thing, do it with them--the presence and encouragement of another person will make it easier for them to do it. Whatever you do, do NOT call them lazy or blame them for being unproductive. They already feel terrible about that.
Aug 27, 2015 more
You help a lot by just being there. Depressed people often tend to push people away and distance themselves. Just let them know you are there if they need you but don't push them to do anything.
Aug 28, 2015 more
The best way to help people with depression is to let them know they have someone to talk to. Listen to them and validate their feelings. Be respectful of their feelings. And it can't hurt to make them laugh
Aug 29, 2015 more
Be there for them. Show them that you care, even if you don't understand. Show care to yourself too! Love them and listen to them.
Aug 30, 2015 more
Be empathetic, caring, understanding, and non-judgemental of what they are feeling. Most are afraid to open up about depression because they feel as though they will be judged badly. Make sure to not give them advice but to just listen to their sadness and sit in the feelings with them until they are ready to change their mood and get some help.
Aug 30, 2015 more
I can help them by listening to them, supporting them, and letting them know they are not alone.HOPE
Sep 1, 2015 more
Remember, you cannot solve everyone's problems, nor can you 100% know what someone is feeling/what they are going through. You can listen and help them discover their own feelings and let them talk it out. We often feel like we have to have the solutions or advice, but sometimes just listening to them can help. Also, if it is a situation where they need professional help, you need to have the courage to advise them to seek out professional help.
Sep 3, 2015 more
Relate to them. Ask them what makes them feel this way. Ask them to reach out to a professional such as therapy
Sep 4, 2015 more
Always tell depressed people how much you love them. It may sound repetitive at times, but they need to know how much they are cared for and how much they mean to you. Never tell them to 'get over it' or 'snap out of it', it's never that simple.
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