How can I help people with depression?
Nov 29, 2015 more
Show you are there to listen and care for them ,Not there to judge .Hhaving someone to talk to can help someone alot
Nov 29, 2015 more
The key thing with helping people suffering from depression is just to be there for them!! Having depression is a very lonely and difficult time for someone. Show them you care and do some research on it to make sure you can do your best.
Nov 30, 2015 more
The best way is simply to listen to them speak up. They are in such a vulnerable state that even your well meabing might immediately set another cycle. Hug them. Tell them you love them. Take care of them. Support and never let them feel that they are being a burden.
Dec 3, 2015 more
Say them that they are stronger than depressiom,call them beautiful and say that you wont leave them never.
Dec 4, 2015 more
By listening to what they have to say. Sometimes people with depression only needs a person they can vent or talk to, to at least make them feel better.
Dec 4, 2015 more
Depression is a mind set. The more you dwell upon something or think negative things, the worst it gets. My suggestion (and this coming from experience ) is to always have hope in a situation. No matter how mad life gets, always find a reason to smile. Life is to short for dissapointment
Dec 5, 2015 more
Ask them what they need. Give them space if they need that, or a friend if they need that. It's hard sometimes to tell what they need unless you ask.
Dec 14, 2015 more
You can be aware of the depression and let them know that they are here when they need you. Don't interrogate them with questions.
Dec 28, 2015 more
One word: Empathy. Empathise with them and try to understand their predicament. Depression can be a tough battle to fight and sometimes all they need is someone who can be there for them to remind them that they can pull through all the odds. Never forget to be there for them when they need you to be (if they push you away, just remind them that you're there for them). Anyone loves support
Jan 4, 2016 more
Good for you for wanting to help! You could always be a listener on 7 Cups! :) Or, if you're looking into something long term, perhaps becoming a counselor, therapist, etc. would be a good career choice.