Does depression ever fully go away once you've experienced it for a long period of your life? It feels like it is part of me now.
May 2, 2015 more
No, Depression NEVER fully goes away once you've been a victim of it. Although treatment and medication may help enormously, and you may feel mostly cured, but from time to time, you will unfortunately feel depressed without a doubt.
Aug 11, 2015 more
Yes! it does go away! But please when it does go away, keep your guard up! There are certain triggers that may happen in life to cause you relapse! But don't worry much its completely normal and sadly that is how the beast is :/ BUT there is help for you and you beat it before so you can certainly do it again! Please if a relapse happens to you dont let it bring you down:) You WILL defeat depression, it takes time but it will happen as long as you keep at it.You cannot defeat a beast with one punch. You have to slay that b--ch! You can do this! Stay strong amigo :)
Dec 28, 2015 more
Your depression is not who you are.
The depression defines your current reality in a way that is really hard to see past. That is because it is inside your mind, and it's almost impossible for people to not believe in illusions and falsehoods that originate in the mind. We all fall for the tricks our minds play on us, even after those tricks are revealed to us. Ever seen one of those visual illusions, where one line looks longer than the other when it's not, or two identical shades of grey look different? They still look that way after you know the truth, and no matter how hard you try, you can't see them the way you know them to be. Depression is like that, only it's deeper. Instead of the part of your mind that deals with vision tricking you, it's the part of your mind that tells you what is true and what is not.
When you're depressed, you can't really trust anything negative that you believe. If it feels true, it's probably not. You have to look at objective evidence instead. Objective evidence says that most people recover from depression and are completely normal afterwards.
Your past is a part of you and will never fully go away. This is a good thing. The experience of being depressed and recovering can teach you strength, coping, compassion, appreciation and many other things. If it all just went away as soon as it was over, then our trying experiences in life would be deadweight loss. There could be no learning or growing.
Jun 22, 2015 more
It might feel that will never go away, but it will. Depression is a hard thing to deal with, and it takes some time so get over it. but when you will feel like it never happened!
Sep 15, 2015 more
Yes it does go away, but it never fully goes away. I was depressed for years, but came out of it a couple months ago and haven't been depressed since. this was thanks to a new med I started, called Emsam, which I highly recommend exploring and asking your doctor about. It is the best antidepressant in my opinion. And it is actually good for the mind, unlike most other ones. Tianeptine is also worth looking into.
despite the depression going away, I still experience what I call mood disorder and anxiety, with negative thoughts and feelings. These symptoms can be further treated, but I can tell they will be a part of me for the rest of life.
Nov 24, 2015 more
Change can only come if you really want it.... Councilling can really help the process... It doesn't be apart of you forever, after we are not born with ...
Nov 17, 2015 more
Depression can be healed but it takes a lot of hard work and determination to free yourself of it. Just seek out the right people and start treatment.
Nov 1, 2016 more
Depression isn't something you can ever fully get rid of. It IS a part of you-- but that's not necessarily a BAD thing. Beating depression shows how strong you are. Your depression is a piece of you, yes. But it's not your definition. Define your depression-- don't let IT define YOU.
Jan 25, 2016 more
Yes Time is the best healer . Give some time let go of the things which have made during past.Start from scratch again
Mar 5, 2015 more
When you are experiencing depression it can seem as though it has consumed you or become one with you. Although it can feel as though it is inescapable at times, it is not. Time and taking care of yourself will slowly but surely make it fade and turn the fake smile into a real smile that is truly happy to have overcome depression.
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