Do I need to tell people that I'm depressed?
Sep 30, 2015 more
I think you can. But people you can trust and people who think that they want to help you. People who you feel closest to. They will understand you and help you. Or if you don't have any people you can trust. There is your family. They will help you about everything. :)
Oct 6, 2015 more
I think that telling people who have never been depressed (some people never had depressions) or don't know what is depression, so telling those people is not really useful, because they can't understand what depression is. Also, since being depressed puts someone in a vulnerable position, people who never been depressed won't really care and might do you more harm than good. This is my opinion. But if you are reading this, it means you are on this website, so this is a good place to start. I think it's okay (and can be good) to tell someone you are depressed but try to find people who know what depression is, because they experienced it before (or are experiencing it). This is what I think.
Nov 3, 2015 more
That's totally up to you. I would at least find one person that I can trust and confide into to tell this too. If you're comfortable with this, go for it. Keeping your feelings hidden on the inside will just result into severe depression and it will have a bad impact/affect within your life. So, at least tell one person.
Nov 30, 2015 more
Depression can consume someone and be very exhausting and can emotionally drain everything of you. The best way to deal with depression is by first allowing yourself to be vulnerable and having people know that you're depressed so that you can get help with depression. As depression is not very kind and it can consume someone life to great lengths.
Dec 7, 2015 more
It is not necessary that you tell others everything but it is important that you have some supports who do know. Please make sure to get the help and support you need. Seek out a therapist, check out support groups, look to your community and trust in yourself. Please know it is your choice to tell someone or not but remember that talking to those you trust can help others understand what is going on and possibly support you better. Watching someone face and fight depression can be heart breaking and incredibly frustrating if you are in the dark as a friend. Feel free to connect with the support group here, contact myself or another listener for a 1-1 and take care of yourself.
Dec 11, 2015 more
if you feel like you have to, for example your family or friends if you think they should know then tell them but you dont have to at all, its a personal thing, if you think they may be able to help you and you trust them then it may be an idea to consider
Dec 11, 2015 more
You don't have to. It's completely your own decision as to whether you feel you should or you shouldn't. If you feel that it would help people understand you better, then go ahead.
Dec 12, 2015 more
It may be a good idea, that way you will be able you have the support you need and get any treatment that could help you get over your depression.
Dec 12, 2015 more
I think it's important to reach out to friends, if you feel depressed. The support and friendship of someone who cares about you, will help you not to feel isolated in your depression.
Dec 12, 2015 more
It really depends on the level you believe you are at. If you are at a risk to yourself, you really need to tell somebody that can help you. If you don't feel that way, maybe you should just tell close people in your life!