Do I have the right to feel depressed even if I'm privileged?
Jun 28, 2016 more
Whether or not you are privileged in any way, it makes no difference to a persons mental health. A lot of people say "Money can'd buy happiness" and i think that they do have a valid point with that :)
Jun 30, 2016 more
Yes. Depression does not care if you are poor, it does not care if you are rich, it does not care if you are white, black, purple, orange, pink or live on the planet Mars. Depression is a flaw in our body Chemistry and that can happen to anyone from 90 year old people to little children. Money does not guarantee happiness and you have every right in the world to feel and experience what you are feeling.
Jul 2, 2016 more
Anyone can get depressed, just like anyone can catch a cold. You can be depressed no matter how much or little you have, and no matter who you are, you deserve to get help.
Dec 22, 2017 more
You absolutely have the right. Perhaps you are privileged, and sure, you may think that 'others have it worse off' and yes, maybe that's true, but that does not invalidate your own feelings. Perhaps others are worse off, but they are also living a different life than you. They have different situations and causes to their grief, just like you. You have a right to feel dissatisfied or depressed. You are a completely unique person, and your social standing doesn't change who you are, so why should it not entitle you to your own emotions? We are all affected by things in our own way. Even if you were born top of the world, with everything handed to you, you still would have the right to feel depressed. Everyone is privileged enough to have their own emotions validated.
Jun 30, 2016 more
Of course ! We all are humans, and humans have feelings. Depression is a big mix of a lot of emotions, and being privileged doesn't make your emotions less worthy. No problems aren't important..
Jul 3, 2016 more
Sweetie, everyone has the right to feel however they feel. If you feel you're suffering from depression, you should consider the help of a mental health professional.
As for being privileged, I'm assuming this means nothing "went wrong" in your life; while this is really good and isn't something to be ashamed of, this suggests that your depression may simply be a chemical imbalance rather than a situational result. Best of luck to you in your progress to recovery!
Jul 3, 2016 more
Anyone can be depressed. Depression doesn't discriminate. It's alright to be depressed and you shouldn't feel ashamed that you are. Just because you're privileged, doesn't mean you can't get depressed.
Jul 15, 2016 more
Yes. Everyone feels some sort of depression. Even if you may have everything you ever wanted in the world, there are still things that will prevent you from being happy.
Jul 23, 2016 more
From personal experience, I believe yes because although you may not be facing the same trouble as someone less privileged, you may have other worries, other things that get to you. Depression is an illness that can be cured. People don't believe privileged people don't break bones so why would you believe they can't get depressed? It's like the saying 'money can't buy you happiness' and it can't cure depression either, in my opinion anyway.
Jul 2, 2016 more
Yes. Depression is an illness, and privileged people can still get sick.
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