Depression has made me lose all of my motivation. How do I get myself motivated to do simple tasks?
Jan 12, 2015 more
Try to break down your tasks! If you find it too hard to go for a walk, that's ok. But if you split this, you get a list with smaller and smaller steps (written down or in your mind): walking for 20 min -- getting on shoes and coat -- getting dressed -- get out of bed -- turn around -- put cellphone away -- close browser -- stop opening new articles (and so on, whatever it is that you do all the time). Finally you'll get to a step of which you may think: "I can do this". And that's your starting point.
Aug 10, 2015 more
Just remember that only you can do what you need to get done. If we could all have someone do our necessities, life would be much easier (and more boring!). Don't let depression win!
Apr 30, 2015 more
I like to think about how accomplishing this simple task will help another person. If I can direct my thoughts away from myself and onto others, than this gives me purpose and motivation to do a simple task.
May 3, 2015 more
Depression is an awful affliction but it is important to know that you are not alone. Most people will experience depression in some form throughout their lives. One of the most pernicious things about depression is that it can cause a downward spiral once it has set in. It is always good to try to "snap out" of depression maybe by way of doing some exercise, going dancing, listening to music or just spending some time with friends. We are very social beings and it is surprising what a positive effect it is to be flanked in people even if you aren't necessarily talking to them. If the depression continues non-stop for a number of days then it is important to seek help from a professional.
Feb 25, 2020 more
I'm sorry you're going through this difficult phase and I totally understand being gone through the same.
The first step is to understand how is it affecting me? What is the root of it? Usually, there are some insecurities that lead to the feeling of depression. And usually the person looses all their hope and motivation.
After realising the root, which might take a bit time and get frustrating, a person needs to simply do their everyday tasks. Initially you'll feel exhausted and would not want to do it, but this is the stage you finally start to recover. A few days and everything will start falling into a routine. A monotonous and maybe boring one but at least something to cling onto if anything further results unfruitful.
The next step is difficult but only you can manage that. Nobody can actually do it for you only support you. And understand we're here for you. What you need to do is, work on those insecurities you realized earlier. Slowly and steadily.
Even common flu takes 4-5 days of repeated efforts and care to go away. It takes it time. This is depression, let it take its time as well. Do not try to rush it in order to be happy temporarily, make it go for once and for all. Things take time, be patient. It will get frustrating and you might feel this ain't helping, but it is making a small change. And these small changes bring out a huge change that people around you can feel in your vibes.
The best motivation is your people telling you that it's good to be in your company, that "you're glowing", or "I like those vibes!"
To reach there it will take a lot of efforts but also, you can do it. You've got it in you because if you hadn't, you wouldn't have been imposed with such an issue. I'm not saying be religious, that's not what I promote in any way. But at least believe that every single one of us has a capacity. Some more some less. But everyone got it. And they just have to Understand and withstand the pressure instead of crumbling under it. Don't succumb to it.
This would be my only suggestion. I would recommend you to try it. I've done it. I've not fully yet, since I told you it's a long process... But have overtaken a huge part of My depression. And I enjoy Those compliments. Also it wasn't a joke when I said you get these compliments and people feel the change. It has happened to me and I aspire to grow even more. I'll be more than happy if you ever needed a friend to talk to and you contacted me. 😊
May 7, 2015 more
It seems like slowly ad steadily you have lost love for yourself which is very bad. What you must learn in that first step to anything is loving yourself.It'll be hard to realize this again after having this hard time but all you gotta do is keep calm, have faith in youself and remember that everything happens for a good reason. Good Luck! :)
Jun 22, 2015 more
Getting motivated when you're depressed is often a challenge. But the best way that you can try and motivate yourself is to just take it one step at a time, and to be proud of yourself every time that you do manage to get motivated to do things, because every time that you do motivate yourself, is a time when you have beaten the depression's effect on you, and that is a victory.
Nov 2, 2015 more
Love yourself. Do some energy affirmations and meditations. Get out and walk and get the air going in the body.
Dec 21, 2015 more
You can get yourself motivated by exercising, reconnecting with old friends, and focusing on the positives in your life
Jan 18, 2016 more
Depression can be very serious, but please know everyone experiences it times in their life's. After taking an on-line test to determine if you are clinically depressed, or just temporally down, We can figure out what is the best course of action. What are pleasurable activities you use to engage in? Are you having problems sleeping? etc. I would first take steps such as, write down all the task you should be doing. Prioritize them, then start small (ex. grocery shopping) make a list, go to the closest store, walking is better (fresh air, gives you energy), set a time for your self to do this, you have so long to get ready to do this etc. Once back home, find one more thing on your list, Get a good night sleep after some relaxation exercises. Next day you are going to wake up and think of the positive to get going and feel productive. Call or talk to a mentor, friend, family member. Let them know you are feeling good and going to have a good day. Positive thoughts, followed by positive actions. You go! Come back for motivation anytime, I am here for you!