Can I be depressed and not know it?
Jan 9, 2016 more
Possibly... If you tend to hide your feelings you may be depressed without knowing it but at some point you can tell you are
Jan 9, 2016 more
Yes, it is possible to not know that you are depressed. It is quite common to people that they are not aware of the symptoms and it makes them not realize about the depression.
Jan 9, 2016 more
Absolutely. Most of the time depression sneaks up on us and we do not realize we are depressed until it is pointed out by someone close to us or we come to a breaking point. If you think you are depressed, there is no shame in seeing a doctor. If you're not depressed, they will help you get through whatever it is that is making you feel as if you are!
Jan 9, 2016 more
Sometimes depression can occur in different ways and Yes! it is possible to be depressed and not understand that i is depression. Depression can make you feel tired, sad and can change the way you operate on a daily basis such as: (1) not enjoying activities, (2) not wanting to eat, or (c) feelings of sadness or feeling "blue"
Jan 10, 2016 more
Yes. For a while I just thought that I was stressed, which I was but it was more than that. It took me having a really big breakdown to realize that this was not normal stress and sadness. I sought out help and now I'm doing much better. I hope this encourages people to seek help even if they are unsure if they have depression. Regardless of whether someone has a mental illness or not, everyone can benefit from talking to someone once in a while about their mental health.
Jan 10, 2016 more
Yes you can definitely be depressed and not know about it! Infect, most people who are diagnosed as depressed have been suffering without knowing it. If you are feeling very sad, especially tired, stressed, upset or hopeless then you should definitely speak to a professional for advise and help as soon as possible.
Jan 13, 2016 more
Of course. Depression is very sneaky and sometimes you don't realize it's affecting you that much.
Jan 13, 2016 more
Often depression is brought on by certain situations, or other circumstances. It is unlikely to be depressed and not know it, as depression can drag one down to sleeplessness, feeling lonely, distraught and desperate. However some people can feel it in waves, coming and going, though it is always there, there is momentary distraction that allows someone to feel at ease if even for a short while.
Jan 13, 2016 more
Yes. Many people are oblivious to their own sadness and grief. This makes it difficult for them to seek help.
Jan 13, 2016 more
Yes you can, because depression makes you feel hopeless. Also, can suffer from something like dysthymia, where you suffer from chronic low level depression. If you have never seen the light, or cannot remember feeling happy you may not realize that there is something outside of your depression.