Can depression lead to other problems? Does it often?
Nov 4, 2014 more
Depression can and does lead to further problems when left untreated. Just like any physical disease that you would take medication for, depression left unchecked can only grow and cause nasty side effects: isolation, loss of relationships, losing one's job, even suicide. Talk to a friend, loved one, or medical professional. An infection needs antibiotics, and depression needs love and support.
Nov 16, 2014 more
I feel like depression can lead to other problems. As someone who faced depression for 7 years, I also managed to become addicted to alcohol/drugs, I began to self-harm, I developed anxiety, and a few other quirks. I'm not exactly sure how often it happens, but usually when someone has depression, they try their best to feel anything but that. I think that may be why depression can lead to other problems.
Sep 17, 2014 more
Yes, depression can lead to insomnia, OCD, anxiety, bulimia nervosa and more other mental ilnesses.
Oct 4, 2014 more
Depression can sometimes lead to other problems if you do not seek proffesional help.You have to take care of depression because it can sometimes get worse than it was!
Oct 9, 2014 more
Yea, depression leads to other problems; not often, but always. It affects your behaviour and personality which is NOT GOOD.
Oct 18, 2014 more
Depression can lead to problems with self esteem and substance abuse. If we feel depressed, we tend to have a negative world view and feel bad about ourselves, we can seek escape in substances such as alcohol. This can feel more depressed and cause us to get stuck in a vicious circle.
Oct 19, 2014 more
Depression MOST definitely lead to other problems. It lowers your self esteem and then you start doing things you would NEVER DREAM OF DOING! If you are looking for an escape of the pain, you might turn to drugs, or start having sex with random people. This could lead to guilt and identity issues, maybe even pregnancy. It is all just a cycle that is difficult to get out of. So try to get help before it spirals out of control.
Oct 24, 2014 more
Depression does often lead to other problems. For me, when i get depressed i tend to take less care of myself and i am more destructive in my relationships. Having other problems is normal.
Oct 25, 2014 more
Untreated depression can lead to other medical difficulties, so try and get help for it as soon as possible.
Oct 27, 2014 more
depression itself a big problem and yes its leads to other health problems also. better consult a doc soon