At what point should I seek help for how I feel?
Nov 4, 2014 more
It can be tough to know when to seek help for emotional issues. In my experience it is best to confide in someone early, even if it is just a mate. Its good to have at least one person watching out for you and knowing that things aren't all smooth sailing. The threshold for seeking professional help (counselor or doctor) is a bit trickier to work out. Basically if things are getting so bad in your head that you can't function as well as you usually would in day to day activities then its a good time to get some professional help. And remember; If you ever feel so low or stressed that you think about harming yourself or others then definitely seek immediate help.
Nov 5, 2014 more
at that point when you feel like you need to talk to someone, talking to someone really help relieve the burden of the issue in your heart or how you feel. after talking you not only feel supported but relieved too. you should seek help immediately you feel the urge to share or when you feel it is becoming too much on you
Nov 5, 2014 more
I feel that you should seek for help when you believe that you cannot handle it on your own or you feel like you would feel better if someone was there to help. When you go under duress or begin to worry, I feel there is never a bad time to reach out, even if you think it is too soon.
Nov 5, 2014 more
when ever you think it is necessary, because if you do it because others want it, it will never help you.
Nov 8, 2014 more
When how you feel gets in the way of you living a normal life. If it is holding you back, you should get help.
Nov 10, 2014 more
If you feel like your emotions are taking too much controll over you. If you feel like you can't handle the emotions on your own. And certainly if you have thoughts about suicide or self-harm.
Nov 11, 2014 more
At any point that you feel you need to. If you feel yourself getting out of control, it is best to seek help. It could change your life and make you feel great!
Nov 11, 2014 more
You can seek help at anytime. Seeking help at an earlier time can prevent you from worsening. Just make sure that the people you ask take this seriously.
Nov 12, 2014 more
Whenever your feelings begin to seriously hamper your everyday life or you start to entertain thoughts of self-harm or suicide. Really, whenever you begin to feel overwhelmed by your emotions is the point at which you should get help.
Nov 13, 2014 more
The moment you feel like you can honestly not deal with your feelings by yourself. When you start doubting yourself and you cant seem to even focus on anything. It is also a good idea to just share feelings at any time, whenever you are feeling sad or anything negative really.