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Profile: CherryBlossom360
CherryBlossom360 on Feb 19, 2020 more
If you think that this is the best decision then yes, you should open up to your professor. If you do not feel comfortable, and/or you feel like this is not the best decision then I suggest talking to someone more confidential. A therapist, for example, will be able to not only help you manage your anxiety, but also overcome it in the future. This is up to you so do whatever you think is best. If your professor seems like an understanding person then by all means..... go talk to him/her. But, don't feel like you have to if you don't want to.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 20, 2020 more
If your comfortable talking about it, and if it affects your studies then yes. Do what makes you comfortable. If you need additional support with your social anxiety, I would strongly recommend 7cups. 7cups has trained listeners,who can help you. The listener service is free. 7cups also has a Psychological Staff, that you can talk with,as well. There is a cost for that service. The fee is 150 dollars per month. You may want to check with your health Ins.,to see if online therapy is covered or not. I am not sure if it is or not. It might cover some of the therapy costs. Also when you make the appointment,check with the Therapist to see if he or she takes,your ins. Not all Therapist take all ins. 7cups web address is: I hope this helps.
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