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Profile: Happysouled
Happysouled on Sep 3, 2024 more
It is hard for some people to make friends but it is not impossible. Here is what you can do to make a friend: 1. Don't wait : Dont wait for other people to talk first. Take the initiative to talk. 2. Initiate conversation : Start by introducing yourself and about yourself and also let them share about them. 3. Donot say NO : Say YES to the plans to meet up in any events or celebrations. 4. Show interest : Try to ask open ended questions and the questions showing that you are interested in talking with them. 5. Smile : Smile helps in feeling comfortable and interested. Also maintain eye contact. 6. Share : Try to share small but personal things as you try to get to know eachother. Friends are a means to get socialize and attend social events. So never say no and go out for a trip, event or a celebration with your friends.
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Profile: supportandlove1218
supportandlove1218 on Sep 9, 2024 more
When shy or introverted, it can be hard to socialize and put yourself out there. Taking little steps are key to achieving a more social aspect to your life. Maybe going up to someone and talking to them may seem scaring but working yourself up to realize that they are not there to judge you is an important step to meeting more people. Saying yes to going places and doing things (safely, of course) is also a significant part of putting yourself out there. Though you might want to be social with a group, forming close and personal bonds with individuals is just as important and benefits how others may see you.
Profile: JaeSun
JaeSun on Oct 27, 2024 more
As an introvert I have found the easiest way to make friends and socialize has been to get involved with group activities in areas that I enjoy. If you have a hobby or an interest try to find a group that you could go and visit and see if it might be a good fit for you. A shared interest with the people in the group helps break down the barrier you might feel between you and them and gives you something to talk about as well. Also, highly recommend acting or improv type classes, these can be really helpful in finding more ease and confidence in group situations. Don't be afraid to be yourself, you will find your people if you are true to yourself and authentic.
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