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Why do I wake up thinking about the way I look

Profile: Twokindears
Twokindears on Apr 6, 2015 more
most of us at an early age have learned that outside appearance is what people look at the most. most people do not try to get to know the person in the inside they tend to focus more on outside appearances so we learn to do the same. the inner image is what truly makes us yet it tends to go unnoticed even by us ourselves
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Profile: Matt5698
Matt5698 on Apr 6, 2015 more
Its a natural hormone, there is no need whatsoever to worry over it, everyones brains release parathyroid which is basically the 'neat and tidy' hormone. People with OCD experience hyperparathyroidism, which basically means too much parathyroid is being released
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 25, 2015 more
Appearance is generally valued in society. It is okay to think about it but try not to let it control your life.
Profile: Shannice
Shannice on May 4, 2015 more
If you're a girl it's quite normal to worry about how you look. I mean, we're keen to impress. But sometimes this can be early signs of Body Dismorphia, especially if it causes you negative and extreme stress.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 5, 2015 more
It is natural- Nothing to worry about- Most people do wake up thinking about the way they look- It is natural :)
Profile: cherishedHeart86
cherishedHeart86 on Sep 5, 2015 more
When you wake up you are getting ready for your day...thinking about the way you look is just part of the process of getting ready for the day...
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 6, 2015 more
Could it be that it is your way of preparing for the day? Wondering about what you will wear, what image you will portray. It is not necessarily a bad thing. Often what we are thinking about when we go to bed is the first thing that will come up in the morning. So, if you don't want to be thinking about the way you look first thing in the morning, then try changing you thoughts to something else as you fall asleep at night.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 26, 2015 more
Most of the people including me think about the way they look because they think that people will judge them and their looks. These people out there who judge by looks never notice the inner image they just look at the outside appearances. The inner image is what makes us who we are not our looks.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 15, 2016 more
The way you look is important to you. When you wake up you review the things that are important to you.
Profile: Avoryy
Avoryy on Feb 23, 2016 more
Well, it is a natural human instinct. to think that one's appearance will control how their day goes. Is it welcoming? or is there something there that the others will notice and think about? The way you look is how humans believe they present themselves. Good or bad, we are our reviewers first thing as we wake up.
Profile: RoxyCares13
RoxyCares13 on Mar 1, 2016 more
You may be feeling pressure to look a certain way, maybe due to media or to impress others. Our culture is practically OBSESSED with peoples looks rather than their personality, their qualities or their achievements. Simple things like makeup or face masks or being more active can make you feel more positive about the way you look, but you are you and you should love yourself for who you are. You may be having some self confidence/body confidence issues. This is normal and happens to most of us. The important thing is to not accept insults or let them offend you and to think of yourself positively. Everyone is unique and you are beautiful.
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