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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 11, 2015 more
Your future can look like whatever you want it to look like. You can shape your life depending on your mindset and how you choose to live it.
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Profile: UniqueLife
UniqueLife on Apr 21, 2015 more
that depends on how you are doing right now. yes. RIGHT NOW. so how do you think will it turn out to be?
Profile: cristiana33
cristiana33 on Oct 26, 2015 more
That is a question that makes us all curious and anxious at the same time. Maybe a better question could be, if I knew what my future looks like, will I change anything from what I'm doing?
Profile: versatileOasis48
versatileOasis48 on May 19, 2015 more
No one knows what the future has for us. So maybe just living day to day is enough to start moving towards the future. Where do you see yourself in the future?
Profile: ItsPreeti
ItsPreeti on Jul 10, 2015 more
Why think about the future ? What you do right now at this moment will be the frame of your future. For now, just live in the present .
Profile: Lonelyforever23
Lonelyforever23 on Jun 26, 2018 more
The best way to predict it is to create it ! It depends on what you do in the present.
Profile: OrangeSlices
OrangeSlices on Aug 6, 2015 more
Nobody knows what the future has for you, I would live day to day, staying positive and preparing for the future! You never know what it will hold! And it's best to stay prepared :)
Profile: ladycat946
ladycat946 on Jul 5, 2016 more
I think that nobody can predict the future, but I think life is well made, so whatever it's gonna happen to you in the future, it's gonna be for a reason and you will grow from that, whether it's a positive thing or not :)
Profile: Abby1213
Abby1213 on Oct 17, 2016 more
The most important aspect of my future is happiness.I'm not sure where I will land but I hope I'll be happy and have peace of mind.
Profile: beachlover5008
beachlover5008 on Oct 18, 2016 more
I don't think anyone has a guarantee, a for sure response to that. Think many/most of us would like to know too. Your doctor might give you some insight, but he is giving an educated guess. There are so many variables that can influence that. I guess what I am saying, is cherish the day. make the most out of every day. Take time to smell the flowers and tell those around you how important they are. Tomorrow is not a known thing for any of us. Wishing you the best in your journey.
Profile: Havingfuninthesnow
Havingfuninthesnow on Mar 1, 2018 more
Well since most of us don't have that lovely crystal ball in our hand. LOL it is what you make of it.
Profile: supportandlove1218
supportandlove1218 on Sep 11, 2024 more
Your future depends on what you build it to be and what you envision it to look like. Your future is created by the small daily steps you take to build on wherever you want your life to be. It might not seem like a huge deal at first but overtime those steps have a big effect on your life. You can create happiness for yourself without money, fame, or success but if your driven to create your ideal future, you can do it at any age, all you may need is a little support. The question really is how do you want your future to look like.
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