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I had a deep cut on my thigh and i dont know how deep i cut and i cant tell my parents its been maybe 2 weeks and its started to scar but it aches bad and is really sore to the touch is that normal?

Profile: LittleMissJoy
LittleMissJoy on Apr 29, 2019 more
I would highly recommend you book an appointment with your doctor. If you are unsure of how bad the cut is and it has become sore, aches then please don't waste anymore time from seeing a medical professional that can clean, bandage and give you instructions on how to treat it after you leave the doctors. Not only that, but it may even be infected and that it not something you should allow time for it to get worse. I don't think you parents are too much of a worry for the time being because your health is the most important thing so, try put worrying about them to the side for a moment and go see your doctor.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 8, 2022 more
I would consult a doctor. I would also try to talk to your parents about whats going on if your a minor because they are responsible for your wellbeing. Even a responsible adult or someone you trust in your life. It could be infected and you just dont know. Im so sorry your going through this and i hope you seek the help you get. Its very important you do this for your own health as health is very important. Dont fear the outcome. Do whats best for you darling. And everything will work out how it is soppose too
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