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How do I not notice people looking at me ?

Profile: awesomeHope
awesomeHope on Apr 27, 2015 more
I think you may always notice that people are looking at you - it's how you perceive them looking at you. You don't know if they are actually "judging" you or if they are lost in thoughts about their own lives. And usually it is the latter.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 25, 2015 more
You need focus on yourself, breathe and start counting, close your eyes and think that those people are not looking for you, it's nothing wrong with you.
Profile: Bluenail
Bluenail on Jun 21, 2015 more
Either you are not self absorbed human being or you are too busy to worry about the people around you
Profile: cristiana33
cristiana33 on Jul 11, 2015 more
Trying to overcome something that bothers you, cannot be done by avoiding it. You better try working on your perspective about that certain thing. If it is how can you stop the fact that you are suffering terribly when people are looking at you then first of all accept this fact. Accept your feeling, don't run from it. Try to see why do you feel the way you are feeling and what would make it better. We cannot escape what we are afraid of by running from it because our mind will trick ourselves in thinking worse. Reality tends to be more passive then how we imagine it when we are afraid of something.
Profile: Ksha97
Ksha97 on Aug 4, 2015 more
Make it as if it were normal, If people is looking at me , I should feel valued , rather than depressed , because am just special no unique
Profile: EsaAnnMarie
EsaAnnMarie on Oct 31, 2015 more
I don' think you can just stop noticing something like that. However, you need to come to a point where people staring at you doesn't bother you. To do that, you need to accept that you are you, and that will not change by a few looks thrown your way. Embrace those looks, because obviously you're something worthy and better than anything they have in their lives :)
Profile: Panther2
Panther2 on Nov 9, 2015 more
I don't know unless they get my attention or if I catch some one looking at me .
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 8, 2015 more
Try to focus on something besides people looking at you such as your phone or a book. Try to remain calm and collected.
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