Why would someone who is already in pain wish to inflict it upon others?
Jul 5, 2018
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When people are hurt they wanna take it out on others to make them feel better about themselves. Not all bullys are mean most of them are just scared
Jul 7, 2018
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Sometimes when people aren’t getting the support they need and can’t find ways to cope they usually put up a barrier that makes them seem very harsh that way instead of feeling pain they shut themselves out and put it on others so no one can hurt them.
Aug 8, 2018
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Unfortunatley they may deem it as their only way to make themselves feel better. To know that someone else is feeling their pain to some degree and that they are not alone. Which is not the best way to go about their situation.
Aug 15, 2018
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Remember hurting other people is wrong, but some people believe that if they make other people the same way they felt they may be nicer to the other person or have someone else to relate to.
Aug 24, 2018
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Maybe they are jealous by other people's happiness so they inflict pain upon others out of spite and jealously and in an attempt to cause them to be unhappy. Perhaps they inflict pain thinking that other peoples misery will cause them to feel better about themselves. This act could also be a cry for help, they could be doing this to get attention if they feel alone and isolated. Speak to them and tell them how hurtful their actions are and perhaps having an open conversation with them may help you understand their thoughts and feels on such matter.
Dec 2, 2018
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People want to know that others are hurting more than they are to deflect their pain. It's cruel, and unjust, but not uncommon. They want to know others are worse off than they are in their time of need, and it makes them feel better to know that things could be worse (even if they're the ones who made it worse for other people). No one wants to hurt, and some people find it easier to cope by taking out their hurt and anger and emotion on people who don't deserve it, as a sort of way to pass the pain onto someone else.
Oct 3, 2019
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Perhaps they feel that pain is justified and there's a certain logic behind this pain, or perhaps they see this as a twisted way to show affection and maybe they enjoy it themselves. However there is a difference between purely enjoying pain under certain circumstances and having a twisted view of the world. Often those that likes to inflict pain has experienced trauma in their life, very possibly during their most important stages of development in their childhood, that causes an unhealthy perception of the world that barrs them from having a balanced moral and cognition, they would need to be counselled by professionals if that is the case.
Oct 19, 2019
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Pain is very difficult to handle. The effect it has on people is not to be underestimated. When a person is in pain, a person usually tries to find a way to stop, or to lessen it. Some coping methods are healthy, while others are not. Some people cope with their own pain, by making other people hurt, depending on the situation it might feel fair, to not be the only one who has to suffer. It might be about anger and frustration, at ones own situation, that makes the person hurt the people around them. However no person has the right to deal with their pain on other people’s expenses. That means no one has the obligation to endure abuse, just because it is rooted in the abusers pain. There are other options to deal with hurt and pain.
Nov 21, 2019
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Could be for many reasons. One, maybe they're a sadist. A sadist is someone who enjoys inflicting pain on others, sometimes in a sexual sense. Sadists like seeing other people hurt. Another reason could be, they just don't know how to ask for help. Or, Their reactions stem from past experiences that led them to certain beliefs that they accepted as truth. They are actually just preconceived ideas projected onto others to protect their ego.
Now instead of taking it personally, I recognize it for what it is and love the person anyway.
When you know where people’s reactions to you are coming from, it is much easier to not take it personally.
Nov 22, 2019
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human being is a complex creature , more so in functioning of psychological and mental faculties. To a normal human mind, it is difficult to understand why a person who himself is experiencing pain should try to inflict the same on others instead of being more considerate for others . The reason may lie in urge of an individual to feel part of a group. (how we all have laughed since childhood at the comic scene in movies of a person falling on road after stepping on a banana skin) To feel an odd man out in a group can be very frustrating for some , so they try to inflict pain on others to be amusingly relieved for not being alone. The concept of Angry young man, glorified through movies also gives a person in pain , a social go ahead to give pain to others and even get sympathy from society for having being wronged.
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