Why can't I have people see that being bullied isn't a minor thing?
May 14, 2015
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Some people see bullying as a minor thing because they don't use their head that well, and don't think how can it impact the others. And I think not only people who did is wrong but the people who see it and didn't do anything is also a bully as well. Don't you agree? Because they let that happen. If you, I, they don't do anything when you see it, that means we are a bully as well and no one will think it as a big issue if we just sit back, and watch, hoping that it will go away someday. Cause it won't. It won't.
May 28, 2015
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Some people don't understand how bad experiencing bullying can be, because they didn't experienced it themselves.
Bullying really isn't a minor thing, and this can be a messag hard to get accross.
Try talking to people close to you, or people who have authority in the place where you are being bullied (often school or work). Explain to them how hard it can be to experience it. Sometimes, people will underestimate the gravity of bullying because they don't realize how frequent the attacks are, or they only see "minor" attacks. But they have to know that this is not a minor issue, because those repeated or hidden attacks can have important consequences on a person's mind.
Aug 2, 2016
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Others prefer being bystanders in such situations. Most are scared of it themselves, or haven't been in it themselves.
Jan 27, 2015
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Sometimes it's very difficult for people to put themselves in your shoes, especially if bullying is a combination of multiple tiny actions that have grown into a big problem. For example, taking your pen isn't that big of a deal for an outsider, but on the inside you understand that it's one strand of a long list of harassment. It's hard to have patience with outside listeners who are attempting to help but just aren't getting the severity of the situation. What's important is that you remember that by standing up for yourself, you've expressed a great deal of courage and bravery--these are things that shouldn't be taken lightly.
Mar 25, 2015
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Some people are ignorant to the fact that bullying is a big issue. Most people just want to ignore it and hope that it goes away, it's hard to get people to understand.
Apr 26, 2015
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I understand how you feel, sometimes people fail to understand what the other person is feeling because they haven't faced bullying. Lets hope that they realize it soon.
Jun 17, 2015
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People are ignorant in this world. It's a very hard thing to change, because it's human nature. The people who do notice though are the ones who are the heroes.
Aug 31, 2015
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Some people aren't mature enough to realize that bullying is not ok. Lucky you that you are smart enough to realize that.
Feb 16, 2016
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Being bullied is considered to many just another social challenge. Some people just don't realize there are different level of mean intentions and consequences, as well as the individual capacity to endure it mentally.
A lot of the people who don't consider a bully something dangerous have been bullied or a bully in the past, but they lived with it and so long as past they remember it as an accomplishment. I remember my times being bullied vaguely, maybe as a defense mechanism, but I recall very vividly of the paint it caused me.
Mar 1, 2016
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This is probably because most of us younger people grew up in a world full of adults from a very different time. These days we are becoming more and more comfortable with sharing our emotions and showing our sensitivities. Back 'then' emotions were looked down apon and viewed as weak especially when regarding males. Therefore people were probably embarrassed to say just how destructive is because they'd be viewed as the weak one. Now we have things like social media and texting where we are much more connected and the signs of teenage depression, bullying and suicidal ideation can't really be covered up anymore. I think slowly people are starting to realize the traumatic effects bullying can really have on youth. You can't force anyone to see something they refuse to see, but it is very real.
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