What's the best way to stop feeling insecure about yourself?
Jun 21, 2016
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For me it´s actually the jump in the cold water. Insecurity is difficult to defeat so a way to handle it is to not let it block your way. I´ve had it often at work that i thought "wow, i´m not sure if i can do this or talk to this person and so on". I took a deep breath and then did it. And sure, there are the times it doesn´t went as expected. But the most time, and believe me, it´s actually the most time, it was amazing to see, that i´m able to do more more, then i thought. And so can you! Stay calm, focus and surprise yourself ;)
Jan 26, 2015
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I laugh at my flaws. I know that sounds ironic and like a bad way to deal with it but it helps. I laugh because I remember they make me who I am and without them I wouldn't even be huma.
Mar 21, 2015
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Find your strengths and work on them. In time, each strength will lead to something else you feel insecure about and give you the courage to work on those insecurities.
Apr 22, 2015
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Just remember always that we were created equal. There are things that you have but others dont. Just be thankful for what you have and being contented is the key to being secure.
Apr 29, 2015
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Surround yourself with people who make you feel good, cut out all toxic people, no matter how hard, itll be better in the long run. Make a schedule or your time, and have time set out for thing you find fun, walks, games, reading, baths. Treat yourself, and cut out toxic people. Life is too short to make war with yourself.
May 3, 2015
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First you have to recognise what you feel is wrong about yourself and write it down. Then think about why you don't like them parts. Now go out and improve on your faults because if they never change how are your feeling going to change?
May 27, 2015
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by focusing on what you r good at , and keep on developing that thing , nobody 8s perfect these days ? Everyone has their flaw and ugly side but the only difference is that some people have more good side than the ugly one , and they didn't get it naturally , they worked on it , they worked on themselves so they can be a better person , and nobody can be like you , in this whole planet / universe , your unique because there is only ONE you
May 28, 2015
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You write down things you value and find pretty about yourself and being grateful for it. You're all beautiful
Jul 27, 2015
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The idea itself of suddenly stopping to do something is impossible... From my experience, what is in our best interest is to try to identify what are the issues that make us insecure more... do these issues come from how we deal with ourselves or how we behave in social situations and how we compare ourselves with others? As soon as we identify what is the barrier and how we would like to improve we can try to make everyday small steps into becoming more grateful for how we are and what we are achieving slowly... I think that should be a easy and steady recipe to improve how we see ourselves.
Aug 3, 2015
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There are a few ways, in my experience, that this can be accomplished.
Realizing that you are not alone. Insecurity affects many people.
Recognizing your personal strengths and learning how to focus on those.
Understanding that failure is not a negative thing but more of a mechanism to help us improve. No one is perfect.
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