Feb 6, 2017
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A bully is someone who makes you feel bad about yourself. Bullies act in many different ways, by spreading rumors, saying rude things to you, making rude comments online, etc
Dec 5, 2017
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Anyone who manipulates you or tries to coerce you to do something and you often feel like you have no choice. it is someone who puts you down instead of raising you up. It is name-calling, constant putdowns, so many things. Sometimes people pretend to be your friend but they use you as a way of getting you to do something for them. Not all bullies are easy to spot. But you are stronger and a better person for standing up for yourself by telling someone who you know will listen.
Dec 18, 2017
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A bully is someone who constantly uses verbal, physical or psychological actions to harm you, in some way. It is when they continuously do this, to belittle you, intimidate you, and make you weak.
Jan 23, 2018
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A bully is someone who hurts you physically, emotionally or mentally. They feel really good about themselves by bringing torment to others. Usually, people bully others because they want to act "cool" and that's very wrong. If you're being bullied, you should tell someone as soon as you can to stop them.
Nov 26, 2016
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A bully is someone, who hurts you mentally, or physically in any way. It doesn't matter if it's online or in real life. It still counts as bullying.
Jan 24, 2017
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A bully is someone who doesn't teat you, or anyone else with proper respect, someone who hurts you.
Feb 7, 2017
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A bully is a person that likes to make other people feel bad verbally or physically to make themselves feel superior.
May 8, 2017
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A bully is a person that repeatedly picks on the same child, purposely trying to hurt them in every way shape and form. Some bullies are turned into a bully without even noticing it. A bully could be having problems with their family at home or are being bullied by someone else. The best thing to do with a bullying situation is to ignore them and show that what they said doesn't bother you. If it's physical immediately tell and adult or teacher in charge.
Mar 20, 2018
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A person who belittled someone. SomeOne who makes anyone feel less then the amazing human they are.
Mar 26, 2018
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bullying is an action whether it is verbally or physically assaulting someone with the intention of bringing them down or hurt them
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