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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 12, 2018 more
Bullying can be stopped by either speaking up to an adult about the situation so they can help intervene even a friend saw the scene and took it into action to someone they know to help you put a stop to it.
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Profile: Freedomtochoose
Freedomtochoose on Sep 11, 2018 more
Will bullying stop? It will when you make it known. Nobody deserves to be tormented or Himilated, it’s important that if you are of school age, talk to your counselor, parents, teachers and other school officials. If it’s happening in your neighborhood or workplace, than let it be known. Many bullies or bystanders see this as being a “snitch” but no it’s called taking a stance. You have every right to protect yourself and put a stop to this ongoing epidemic. Importantly, be that person or that voice who makes a difference at school, work or in your community.
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