How to deal with people that are bad mouthing me?
Dec 6, 2017 more
Tell a trusted adult. Consult a therapist or close friend. Bullying is a serious matter and can do serious harm in the long run, so don't keep it to yourself. Also, don't add fuel to the fire by bullying back. That will only make them push back harder. Instead, kill them with kindness so that they feel guilty about what they've done.
Feb 7, 2018 more
Tell them straight that they need to come to you if they have something to say, or tell someone that could help you stop them together
Apr 29, 2018 more
People who bad mouth others tend to be insecure about themselves. Holding your head up high and not letting what these people say about you, get to you is the best way to handle something like this because it shows that you are strong and the better person for rising above.
Aug 10, 2018 more
It’s sad to hear that some people are being nasty to others :(
Surround yourself with kind people who make you feel comfortable and safe. Focus on the positives in your life. Message a friend and ask them to lunch tomorrow :)
Nov 6, 2018 more
You should 1. turn the other cheek and tell a trusted adult 2.If you cant turn the other cheek result to no physical violence if possible if it comes to that and hopefully it wont seek a counselor and tell them how you are feeling and why you took on those actions because where im from we follow G.O.L.D. G- grow in mind, body, and spirit. O- own your actions. L- lead by example. D- dream BIG!!! So dont let those people that bad mouth you bother you ignore them and follow G.O.L.D it will help you improve and move on past the sight of the bad mouthers.
Mar 19, 2019 more
This is the toughest one I find. Sometimes, I don't find a single person in my favor. In those situation, the best thing I do is to ignore the person who is doing so. Sometimes, when people bad mouth what ever goes around comes around. Also, they themselves create bad impression on others by criticizing. They are weak and insecure. Criticism is their weapon. They can't live without it. It is worth staying strong. Somewhere I heard that if you are in criticisms that means your doing something awesome. Remember all the landmark discovery happened in the mist of criticisms.
Apr 4, 2019 more
In life unfortunately and it seems very unfair, but we can not control what others say about us or do. People who bad mouth you are looking for us to react, it makes them feel powerful by hurting other peoples feelings the best way I deal with people. Like this is to cut them out of my life and I'd you do have contact just be polite or simply ignore that person, you know you. It's brave of you to come here on the site and I hope we can help you. Talking helps. We are here to support you.
Jun 2, 2019 more
Just ignore them because people who bad mouth have low self esteem themself. They are covering that by bad mouthing you. It is such a bad trait to have. But if it really hurts you them just tell to stop in their face. No body has rights to talk about other people in a bad way because everyone has their problems and we can't see them in their point of view. It us very important not to start bad mouthing them back because that's the worst thing you can do for yourself. It is never good to have bad opinions about people in your brain
Nov 1, 2019 more
People who bad mouth you, make life a lot harder as what they say can be really taken personal.
For example, some people at work or school might start gossiping about you or you feel like they are judging you.
Another thing is that when someone bad mouths you you start to think it might just be true.
It takes a lot of courage to hear and not feel personal about it.
So, ways to deal with bad mouthing there is the option of ignoring but that could make it continue or make it worse. You could confront the person and think about their life what makes them say such thing.
Remember the compliments you get and try to give compliments to others.
Nov 30, 2019 more
If someone is bad mouthing me, then there is something plaguing them. So much so that they need to take it out on someone else, and that person in this case is me. To deal with the person bad mouthing me I would first be strong enough to ask why. Why are you bad mouthing me when you don't gain anything from doing so? The only thing that comes out of the situation is pain on my end. Sometimes the person may not understand how much pain and/or suffering they are causing you. If you are honest with them and clear, telling them that what they are doing is hurting you then it may change their actions and attitudes.
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