How to deal with people that are bad mouthing me?
Aug 26, 2018 more
that can always be tough to deal with, firstly. But we cannot control what others say and do, specially when it pertains to us. Sometimes heading the person directly about it can be a sensitive matter as well. We need to know ourselves and what is and is not true and do our best to ignore it, and when aproached by others, maybe correct the issue. If it continues by a individual, finding a mature professional way to connect with them and let them know the boundaries may need to be done as well. When we hear rumors and lies about ourselves that damage our character it can really spite us inside and be tough to deal with and make us have that drive to rectify the situation. But how we choose to react to it will also affect the direction of the outcome of the situation but hopefully it will dissipate and go away on its own!
Aug 31, 2018 more
When people bad mouth me, it’s an indication of their character and not mine. The best way of dealing and winning is through disattention. Which means to able to listen to everything they are sayin all while remaining complete emotionally unattached and insensitive to their words which slide off of me like water drops on a rainy day. If someone says bad words stuff about me people that choose to believe will believe no matter if the gossip is true or false. Not everyone is into fact checking and nor do they care to. In such instances you are able to know who your true friends are because they are the ones that stand up for you and stand by your side no matter what. A strong support network is an amazing place for you to take strength from and refuge in.
Oct 9, 2018 more
The best way to deal with it is to be mindful. For example, you hear someone mouthing off about someone else. Just take a few deep breaths in and think to yourself that the noise that person is making is just noise. You can’t force that person to change and just need to let it slip by. It is hard for a while but after doing it for a while it become really easy to palm off negativity and live in the present.
Be confident, be brave and try not to let anybody tell you what to do (unless you’re at work and you have to follow instructions, of course). Have a great life, love your family, remember the good times and leave all the badmouthing people behind. Life is so beautiful!
Nov 11, 2018 more
you don't have to listen to them. why would you spent your whole life by giving attention to them? you should keep good vibes around you and stay away from toxic people. continue your life with positivity and love yourself more. for me bad mouthing people just jealous because you can do better than them or the worst thing is they don't have something to talk about. you're worth it that's why they've talk bad about you. this things happened a lot, and i dont want you to stop doing what you love just because overthink about this kind of stuff. your life is full of happiness, why should be bothered with them?
Jan 27, 2019 more
In my own experience it's not worth bothering with people who are bad mouthing you. They may or may not have their reasons but you can't let it drag you down to their level. Throughout my life I've had people who thought less of me but I simply ignored them or cast them from my life. The one thing I've learned from life is people will come and go and the ones who are really special to you will stick around. It may be hard to see past it now but it almost always goes away in time. If you let the negativity take hold it will consume you but you have the strength to push it aside and find the good in your life.
Feb 11, 2019 more
I’ve commonly encountered people bad mouthing me, from close family members to friends and colleagues. While initially I faced difficulties in dealing with the issue, I developed several aids over time to overcome this. First is to listen closely without reacting, especially if it comes from a somebody close to me. Second, I pause and breathe slowly. I analyse their statement and see if there’s any truth to it. If I feel there’s a fault on my end, I follow a rational and calm method to handle it. If not, I choose to ignore them. If these people constantly do the same, I ignore them and avoid hanging out with them. Often, distancing yourself from toxic relationships gives you a more peaceful mindset. I found myself more calm, relaxed and happier.
Feb 19, 2020 more
First of all you have to understand that it is hardly ever your fault and it is their problem and something that has to do with their feelings and traumas, ways of coping and projections. Secondly you have to ask yourself why do you care? If you care because this person is important in your life, you try and get to the bottom of this 'bad mouthing' by talking to them directly and expressing your thoughts and feelings and you work from there. If this person is not important you have to learn little by little to let go and not care because there might be a lot of people out there who are going to vent at you without it being your fault just at random because they have their own issues so do not let that affect you overall.
Feb 28, 2020 more
I had this kind of problem often in my life. Usually dealing with this type of thing isn't really easy, but I would determine what my goals are and use the SMART process to plan my goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely ways) then usually I keep myself distracted away from these negative critics. I hope this helps some. Also the listeners here on 7cups can listen and validate how things are for you.
Mar 8, 2020 more
Haters are going to hate. If you are not what they say you are, you don't need to overexplain at all. I am only talking about gossips that may not cause huge damages in your life. If people ask, tell the truth and face. Be open and honest. Let the third party to make their own judgment. The worst strategy is to fight fire with fire. People who spread lies would get bitten by truth itself. No need to pull yourself down to play a vicious gossip game or even plan a retaliation. Be authentic and civil. If you have made mistakes, admit that you have make mistakes. If not, you can only work on yourself. How others talk about you is out of your control.
Mar 11, 2020 more
What I do when this is happening is I do my best to let it go, I don’t let it effect me because it’s not something that I can control, but I know myself and I know whether or not what they are saying is true, and I know that most of the time, people only bad mouth others to make themselves feel better. If it gets worse, I try to have a calm conversation with them about how it makes me feel and why they might be saying those bad things, if that is an option. In the end, it’s not going to matter in the future, so it’s best to let it go and realize you are way above that.
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