How do you get over the feeling that people are laughing at you?
Dec 14, 2019 more
I usually try and just ignore people who's intentions are to bring me or others down, I don't like feeling down so seeing someone feel down really gets to me so when others laugh at me I dust it off my shoulder. I really want to try helping others feel confident enough to do the same and I understand that it can be hard when you've got accustomed to caring about what others think but there is a difference in caring what people think and caring about how people feel and I personally feel a lot of individuals get those two confused.
Dec 28, 2019 more
I learned to understand where they're coming from. most people don't get me or anyone at all. and, there are also people who are struggling to understand themselves so they end up making fun of other people to distract themselves from the reality in them or simply an effort to make themselves feel better. Instead of getting angry or bottling up insecurity, I choose to look at myself and assess if there is something I might have missed. Then, by all means, IMPROVE. Use it as an inspiration to become better. It doesn't matter what other people think of you. what matters is how you feel about yourself.
Jan 19, 2020 more
Put it in the back of your head and know your worth. You need to forget aboyt how they treated you but always treat them with repect. You deserve alot but they are human to and deserve the same. People are going to be rude and laugh but there are times that is going to happen. Dont let this get under your skin and dont treat them badly. People make mistake and this just happens to be that. I want you to know you where put in this situation cause you are strong enough to handle it. Feel free to chat with me im here for you
Jan 22, 2020 more
Other people's opinion don't matter. They can judge you if they want. That is their right. You also have the right to do whatever you are doing. You are unique. Others only know one aspect of you. Let others' opinion dictate your thoughts and decision making can only ruin the chance of a better outcome. People laugh at a lot of things. It doesn't make them good judges. Respect yourself more. You need to first value yourself. If you start judging yourself before everybody else, you may find it more difficult to get over people's umconstructive opinion. Treat yourself right. Then you can go against all odds.
Feb 19, 2020 more
I usually have this quite often. It helped me to look "outside of the picture", what I mean is when I have these feelings I tend to ask myself how much of this is true based on facts, or how much I am allowing emotions from earlier events affect my current mood. A few deep breaths and I can look at the situation. Usually people are too deep caught up in similarities, that they are either looking through us, or past us. And if they are in fact laughing, you have the right to address the matter. Usually people will apologize if they notice their behavior is questionable and offended you. I hope this helps
Mar 28, 2020 more
I breathe, close my eyes, breathe again and tell myself that it's going to be okay. I try to not listen to them and occupy my mind with various topics so that I won't keep thinking about it! After all, most of the time it's in my head and maybe they are laughing about a random video or photo but sometimes it's just too strong that your breath starts to catch up, sweat drips from the forehead and hands, heart beats faster and you feel like you've been judged all your life. But its not necessarily this, you aren't alone
Mar 28, 2020 more
I think this question has to do with insecurities. To get overthinking, people are laughing at you; you have to find your vulnerabilities. Finding your insecurities could be a challenging process for some people. When finding your insecurities, you have to remind yourself that you have self-worth and attributes that contribute to the world. When I say "find" I don't mine find everything that bothers you about yourself and set depressed after finding them. I mean, see your insecurities and explore them. Explore the reasoning as to why you be insecure about yourself. You also have to explore yourself. Explore the way you feel towards others. Remind yourself why you want to be like that person. Ask yourself why can't you be unapologetically you. You have to find no fault within yourself. Love yourself, and there could be no possible way you could feel like others are judging and laughing at you.
Mar 29, 2020 more
You tell yourself that it is okay for people to laugh at you - you can't please everyone! And even if they do laugh, 1) its just a laugh, it won't hurt you, even if it feels like the worst thing ever and 2) I would take it as a HUGE compliment if I made someone laugh, whether at me or with me. Remember, you are never going to please everybody so live your life the way you want to and if people laugh at that - LET THEM! You don't need to worry about what other people think and feel about you.
Apr 4, 2020 more
No matter what you do, how good you are at certain things, there will always be people who are going to laugh, or simply dislike you even if it is for unreasonable reason.
Yes you may feel that whenever someone is laughing even in the malls where strangers gather, you may feel that they are laughing at you when you have a trauma from the past
(Although you may tried to forget and let go of the past, your body still remembers it)
When you change how you see something, you will change your behavior and attitude towards it. This is what I did to overcome this feeling, whenever some strangers are laughing near me.
instead of thinking
"Do I look weird? Did I do something just now?"
I would think
"Man they must be having a blast over there, I wonder what they are doing"
while still walking forward.
Apr 10, 2020 more
You cannot control people's reactions and perceptions, the only thing you can control is your perceptions and reactions. I can imagine how you would not want people laughing at you. That is a reflection of their character, not your character or what is true about you. You should Focus on qualities you like about yourself because you are the one who is feeling, and no one can deny the way you are feeling. Focus on yourself because this is your life and no one else is validated to live it for you or impose their feelings onto it.
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