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How do you get over the feeling that people are laughing at you?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 20, 2015 more
Block them from your mind. If you know them, act like you don't even know who they are. If you do not know them,try to think like how ridiculous would it be for people who don't even know you in the slightest to laugh at you like they know who you are. Just walk with your head held high, like you don't care about other peoples thoughts of you, even if you care very much.
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Profile: Uniqueg
Uniqueg on Apr 10, 2015
Bullying Expert more
It's apart of life, people are always going to laugh at you, judge you, and more, the key is how you react to them.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 2, 2016 more
Ignore them. Do what makes you happy. Let them see you how strong you are. Make them choke in their own laughter by being nice to them. Make yourself better. Be successful. God is always with you :)
Profile: Dreeger
Dreeger on Dec 31, 2015 more
The people are probably not laughing at you, but even if they were, so what? If being yourself is something to laugh about for other people, so be it. You don't need their approval in your life.
Profile: joyfulshoulder97
joyfulshoulder97 on Jan 31, 2016 more
usually people say.... when somebody laughs at you... or insults you..... move on... dont listen to them.... but i have a different theory.... i always say... stop... listen... understand.... and fight back..... if you dont get insulted, if you dont understand what it feels to get laughed at, you will never learn to fight (and by fight , i dont men physical fight) . when you stop and feel the insult, you feel the burn, you improve... and when you start improving, you become better than them....
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 30, 2016 more
Realize that people who drop so low as to laugh at someone else are ones who feel the most insecure about themselves. Thus, they purposely degrade someone else for their own selfish self-satisfaction. And if you respond to them, you're further encouraging them to let them control you. You shouldn't do that. They shouldn't be able to control you. You're your own master, not their puppet. Don't give them a reason to control you by feeling so self-conscious about their dirty little mockery. In fact, one important thing to notice is that human beings are selfish creatures. We care more about ourselves than about others. Those who laugh at you couldn't give a shit about you. They put themselves first which further solidifies my point about them doing it for their self-satisfaction. So liberate yourself from thinking that everyone's watching you and laughing at you because that's not true. Put yourself first, just like how they do and you shall be free.
Profile: HeartlandRoses24
HeartlandRoses24 on Dec 23, 2015 more
Just know that it's not your problem it's there's they are doing it because they are jealous or something
Profile: BharadwajS
BharadwajS on Dec 11, 2015 more
The feeling that people are laughing behind your back is one of the worst. The social anxiety you get from this feeling is one I have been very familiar with. But there is no external solution to this problem. There is only one: Say I DON'T CARE! Whenever I feel like people might be laughing at me because of something I did, I just make up my mind and silently yell "I DON'T CARE!" If people are laughing behind your back, then that is a reason they're behind you. Just coat your mind with Anti-Gossiper paint, for best results apply 2 coats everyday.
Profile: smileforawhile
smileforawhile on Dec 11, 2014 more
I think that this is an extremely difficult thing to overcome. Remind yourself that the people who are laughing at you are certainly not worth your time. People who laugh at you are irrelevant to your life; ignore them.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 30, 2016 more
Participate in their laughing and they wont be liking you laughing at them.. They will be like - ::O
Profile: endearingShiny21
endearingShiny21 on Dec 10, 2014 more
I have struggled with this one an awful lot throughout my life. I think it is good to take a step back and look at what makes you feel like you are being laughed at by others. Why are you struggling with valuing yourself on a high enough plan to know that you are good enough and that even if those people are laughing at you(which they usually are not) it does not matter because you are good enough for you and that is what counts. Also it's good to remember that most of the time other people are so busy with their own lives that they do not even notice that we are there let alone think that what they are laughing at is the downfall that we are creating in our own minds. inner voices are a powerful thing and there are many inner voices that go around telling us untruths so it's good to look for and weed out those inner voices instead of watering them and giving them power. By acknowledging "Hey that's not true voice" "I am better than that" you take strength away from those bad weeds and instead put strength in the positives that you know to be true about yourself.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 23, 2015 more
Have you talked to anyone about this? Remember you are perfect and unique so they are only laughing because they are jealous of you. Love yourself
Profile: LabrynthMania
LabrynthMania on Dec 11, 2015 more
Remember you are better than them, and if they are laughing at you, it's because they're pathetic and they want to upset you.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 6, 2016 more
You probably don't realize that they are laughing at you so they can make you feel down. They only make you feel down because they are getting their own emotions and problems out.
Profile: Photography49
Photography49 on Dec 10, 2014 more
What has worked for me is, by saying "WHAT EVER" out loud, and then walking away from them, with a serious look on my face. Trust me me, those people are unhappy people to begin with already.
Profile: goshurcute
goshurcute on Dec 10, 2015 more
i try to keep my head up high and continue, i sometimes really want to cry and hide but that only means im weak when i know i am not!.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 7, 2016 more
I try not to care what people think of me. But it's hard, and when it doesn't work I merely try and meditate. Pretend I've got an eraser. Wipe myself. It's the mind that's hardest to wipe... but when I do, I am no longer me. I am everything. Tree. Wind. Earth. And suddenly people who laugh at me aren't so significant any more.
Profile: SweetTalker
SweetTalker on Feb 5, 2016 more
only I do not know , the laughter of others do not define who I am .when others laugh at other people it is because they are not happy with their lives , and believe that mocking others will feel better, which of course is not true , we are all equal , have the same rights , many lives are damaged which are mocked , this has to change .
Profile: miraculousDreamer42
miraculousDreamer42 on Dec 17, 2015 more
i just ingor them they are jealous.and no matter what i will all ways be the better person where every i go.
Profile: gigantWind97
gigantWind97 on Dec 10, 2015 more
Try working on situational awareness. Determine whether or not they indeed are laughing at you. If so, figure out whether the action that caused them to laugh is a fault on your character, or merely their lack of maturity. Sometimes it isnt worth changing who you are as a person if the people around you are at fault. Remember that most bullies are flawed, and will use others to deter people from their own imperfections.
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