How do you effectively confront people who are spreading negative rumors about you?
Sep 16, 2016 more
By proving that they are wrong.People understands better when they realize their mistakes themselves
Nov 27, 2016 more
I would speak to them alone and find out what they are upset about and erase any false rumors about me.
Dec 2, 2016 more
Spreading negative rumours is something a lot of people deal with. But, one way to effectively deal with rumours being spread about you is to personally talk to them. Maybe make them understand what it's like to feel the way you feel. If it comes down to it, correct them and tell them that these rumours are wrong and that that's not how things are in your life so it would be nice to stop spreading these things. The key to effectively stopping them is to make them understand what it would be like if they were in your place. Who knows though, they might be doing it because someone else hurt them in the past c:
Dec 16, 2016 more
Ask to meet them in a safe and relaxed environment. If you are comfortable to do so meet alone, if not ask a close friend to come with you, but ask them to remain quiet and impartial throughout the conversation. Explain that you have an issue with them that you would like to resolve. Emphasise that you are wanting to put an end to it all, and that you are open to talk over why they might have a problem with you. .
Mar 31, 2018 more
Ignore it, drama is fed by the reaction. If you can ignore it and prove them wrong, then they look like the bully and you won't be forced to create unnecessary drama. Eventually they will get bored and move on.
Jun 6, 2018 more
A few times I have come across people spreading rumors about me. I usually decide to just let it go until it starts to be an issue. Sometimes I talk to them about how they hurt people by spreading rumors, and teach them the ways of being a nice person
May 19, 2018 more
When confrontung the person, I try to prevent emotions from clouding thinking so I can be firmer with the person.
Dec 22, 2016 more
Confront them in front of an adult. Not only will this let the adult know of this issue and take action, it prevents the person from making any moves on you such as insulting you or using violence.
Jan 26, 2017 more
Those things can be hard, because if you have the wrong facts or even the wrong attitude it can blow up in on your face. The best way is to gesture ask if you've heard anything about the negative rumors about and go from there. But, to be honest, people do that sometimes. Rumors no matter where you go and who you meet, somehow always go around and do crazy stuff. You'll be okay, I would just ignore it honestly and not think twice about it.
May 31, 2018 more
Don't even confront them. People will be talking bad about you no matter what and it's a waste of breath to talk to them about something that is not true. Just enjoy your life knowing that they're busy thinking more about you than you are of them.
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