Why does my girlfriend hate me all of a sudden?
Feb 1, 2020
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Love is the most complicated human emotion out there. When others do not love us in the way that we love them it can destroy our trust and self confidence. It might be that your girlfriend does not know that you feel this way. She may be irritable due to stress in her life from school, work, friendship problems, etc. There is only one thing you can do to find out how she really feels: Ask her to talk about how you've been feeling on a 1:1 basis. Doing that will be hard but it the only way to come to a resolution that works for everyone.
Mar 21, 2020
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I understand that you are feeling confused. when I was in this situation, I asked myself what may have caused this situation.talk to her about how you feel about things happening in your relationship. talking to her can really help the situation. talking about this can reduce the amount of confusion you have been feeling. I believe that you can handle it better. if i was in your shoes, I wouldnt have handled as great as you are doing right now! what makes you think that she hates you? or what kind of changes have been occuring in her behaviors?
Apr 18, 2020
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this question depends on the situation and what happened and i guess only you both would know the answer to that so openly communicate with her if you feel this way and find out why if you feel like something is up. Communication is really important in relationships and if you feel like there is something not right it is better to confront her about it. Hope things go well for you and get better. Keep positive and do things you like to keep yourself in a good heads space. You might want to try doing some journalling as well.
Apr 25, 2020
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There are many variables to emotions. She might not hate, she might just be dealing with something that is painful and is causing her to lash out. If she is verbally abusive or physically abusive, then seek help. But if not, I suggest asking her yourself. There's no harm in asking if anything is wrong. But be kind, and supportive. In the end, it's her who know her best and you who knows you best. Look within yourself if you think it has something to do with how you are or aren't acting. Every person has room to improve. Even the "best" people.
May 17, 2020
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While it might seem like a partner distancing themselves from you or reacting in a way you may not know them to do usually means they're feeling animosity toward you, this isn't always the case. Have they gone through a major life change? Is friction popping up in their other relationships with friends and family? Open the lines of communication with her and talk about any stressors that could be affecting your relationship and/or ability to connect with her. She'll likely be thankful for your thoughtfulness. If you express your concern rather than holding it inside, you'll feel much better in the end.
May 29, 2020
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Hate is a strong word, and I don’t think there is an easy or one “right†answer for this question. However, in my experience if there is a sudden relationship change, analyze the past and see if there is an event that correlates with the change. Maybe she is mad because of a misunderstanding, but rather than bringing it up she doesn't because she may think you already know your transgression. No one is a mind reader but people tend to think that everyone thinks the same way they do. In other words, If you see an event from one point of view, try and take yourself out or the situation and see how your point or view changes when you are detached from the emotional side of the event. And if all else fails, ask her what is up! Maybe it has nothing to do with you and she is having a hard time at work or school or with a friend! She will be glad you cared enough to notice, and to ask. Just, don’t ask in an accusatory way; you could say: how have you been feeling lately, you seem a little update or irritable, what can I do to help?
Jun 13, 2020
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A relationship is like a seesaw, there are two people tightly coupled together so that the moods, feelings n desires of one affects the other. Very often, when one partner feels elated n joyful, it is at the expense of the other. The other partner may not share the same sentiments but had to compromise in order to make the other partner happy. A balance or equilibrium is very hard to achieve because it involves both parties watching out and checking what the other is really feeling. However, many a times, couples take each other for granted and do things based on their assumptions and expectations without bothering about the feelings of the other.Hence, little by little, things add up and what seemed like a trivial event suddenly escalated n exploded to an argument, a fight or possibly breakup. As such, nothing happens suddenly.Hate does not appear overnight, it arises from a number of events that fuels the feeling. Finally, you may find that your partner expressed hate towards. And due to your own "busyness" you failed to spot the signs of her unhappiness and felt that her hate appeared out of nowhere. In reality, this feeling of hate has existed for some period of time.
Jul 2, 2020
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It probably has nothing to do with you at all. Sometimes we assume that we are to blame or the cause of other people's feelings. Is she struggling somewhere? Work, family, other relationships, mental health issues? Find a quiet moment and ask her. Really listen to her and try not to judge. Don't come at her with accusations because this could make her more defensive. It has to be said that you could be the source of her irritation, but an honest chat where she feels able to explain herself without being judged may help you understand her a little better.
Aug 14, 2020
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I am sorry to hear that you feel that your girlfriend hates you all of a sudden. This question is hard to answer without knowing context of the situation. I do think it would be best for you to talk to her and let her know how you are feeling about the situation. She could be going through personal things herself and it is coming off as hate toward you. It is best to have a conversation with her and be open when listening to her response. This means just letting her share how she feels and helping her talk through the process. She may not hate you at all and if she truly does it might be best to talk about it and either fix it or get out of the situation.
Aug 28, 2020
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There’s a thin line between love me hate.... and I believe trying to communicate is the first thing needed , to gain understanding of what has occurred. If you are able to retract recent events to help identity the issue. Offer support and empathy and love to get her to open up about what has occurred. See what you can do to help her. There could numerous reasons for the sudden change which needs to be addressed to help you both move on from the hate. I always say communication is key within relationships . And so is understanding and empathy
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