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What to do if a guy cheats on his girlfriend with you?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 20, 2016 more
I will answer based in my personal experience, a guy did it with me; its a long story but i met him from high school, i was in love with him, but he wasn't sure about, and he is not good expressing feelings, later he get a new girlfriend from College (that was hard) but after a while he started to chat with me again, and he cheats on his girlfriend with me, i felt awful, he say he is not in love with that girl, but guess what, he is still with the girl, so that will hurt you a lot,because you will start to have hard feelings so the best thing since my perspective is let him go.
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Profile: WinterFlute
WinterFlute on May 18, 2016 more
Enjoy the guy do anything but trust or love him. These guys are perfect to have fun with. Talking of his girlfirend, that's not your concern.
Profile: JulieJewels
JulieJewels on Feb 25, 2017 more
I believe that this answer can differ very much depending on the situation. Did you know about his girlfriend? Are you in love? How did it start?etc. A general direct answer can be excessively harmful to all three parties involved.
Profile: CLovesPonies
CLovesPonies on May 24, 2017 more
Being the "other woman" is a difficult position to be in. In my experience, it was something that wrenched my heart and caused so much pain in my life. While everyone's story is different, it is undeniable that feeling as if you are to blame is painful. Remember that you didn't cheat on the girlfriend - he did. It is important to remember that you are not an option or a choice. You are a living person, and a beautiful one at that, that deserves true and pure love.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 20, 2016 more
The best thing to do is go to the girl who he cheated on and take responsibility for what was done and tell her what has happened.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 4, 2016 more
He either never loved her or he lost his love for her, if you have deep feelings for him then you continue to do what you are doing. As long as it makes you happy.
Profile: Greatlistener87
Greatlistener87 on May 20, 2016 more
I suggest to never see that guy again. If h can cheat on his gf then he should not be trusted.
Profile: supportiveSeal65
supportiveSeal65 on Jan 17, 2018 more
I have been in this situation. I found that it is best to have respect for yourself and realize that the issue is with the guy and not you. This is very important. You are not the issue. The guy does not respect you or his girlfriend, and it doesn't make you a bad person for wanting to be with that guy. It is very possible that he will ultimately hurt you, like he has hurt his girlfriend. Protect and respect yourselves and do not feel guilty for the things you are tempted by. You are awesome.
Profile: WonderlustKami
WonderlustKami on May 29, 2016 more
disclaimer: I am a huge advocate of knowing your self-worth You deserve so much more than to be kept in the shadows. I suggest that you tell him very plainly that you are worth much more than being his something on the side. If he really respected you (as all partners should) then he wouldn't be cheating on anyone; he'd end the relationship that he was unhappy in and start one with you properly. However, judging by his behavior now, it seems that he is still very immature. That saying "old habits die hard" is correct 99% of the time but, if you trust that he is doing this because he wants to be with you - and I mean he goes into detail that this is for you specifically - than it's up to you if you feel comfortable trusting him to be a loyal and honest partner. Just remember: you can't change anybody but yourself. If he wants to become better for you, he'll do it on his own. You can support him but don't try and do it for him or he'll never change.
Profile: tryingtostayhappy2
tryingtostayhappy2 on May 18, 2016 more
In my personal opinion, I calmly explain to the girlfriend what happened. If you didn't know he was dating someone, don't worry, just tell her. She needs to know because you wouldn't want her to get hurt from him.
Profile: Princessonablackhorse
Princessonablackhorse on Jun 12, 2016 more
That means there is a chance he will cheat on you too, so team up with his girlfriend and screw him so bad he never forgets it
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 29, 2016 more
First of all you shouldn't try to uncover the situation until he does. If he remains silent about it so should you. But if he actually opens up to his girlfriend you should express respect for her and apologize for what happened. It doesn't matter whether you knew that he had girlfriend or not, you should respect others persons feelings, because it's a deep trauma for her. Try to put yourself in her shoes and see if you like it. Express feelings from that point of view.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 31, 2016 more
If he says he loves you and tries to cheat on his girlfriend with you, it may seem tempting and like a perfect relationship with a perfect guy. However looks and words can be deceiving. If he really loved you he would leave his girlfriend for you.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 22, 2016 more
I end the relationship immediately, if he can do this do another woman he could do this to me too...
Profile: departedspirits1
departedspirits1 on Jul 9, 2016 more
i would be disappointed and leave them be .. move on with my life and search for someone that would respect me.
Profile: ArcticRapids
ArcticRapids on May 18, 2016 more
You must know that his demons do not mean you are in the wrong. Only he has done bad, and only he can fix it.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 3, 2016 more
I think the right thing to do would be to get him to tell his girlfriend first and then if he refused I would tell her because it's not right to keep that hidden.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 10, 2016 more
If a guy cheats on his girlfriend with you. You are what is referred to as his "side-chick". You need to leave that relationship and find a man who is good at golf and likes to score a hole in one and not a hole in three.
Profile: YukiSYan246
YukiSYan246 on Jul 2, 2016 more
I'll never accept him. If he cheats for me, he'll do it for another girl to. Once a cheater, always a cheater.
Profile: your1safe6place
your1safe6place on Aug 7, 2016 more
Generally speaking, when two people enter into a situation of trust like a monogamous relationship, it is not a positive thing for either of those people to break that trust by cheating. However, we are human and things of this nature happen. No one is perfect. The wisest decision would be to respectfully discontinue the activity and distance yourself from the situation. Telling the afflicted party will likely not stop the behavior and could potential endanger your own safety. If the person you were involved with ever threatens you for discontinuing the behavior, please take steps to guarantee your own safety and notify relevant parties (including potentially authorities) regarding these threats. In summary, you should discontinue the behavior and take steps to ensure you do not wind up in any danger.
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