My boyfriend or girlfriend cheated on me, should we break up?
Jan 13, 2016 more
If the level of pain they feel reflects yours, try to mend it. Their pain is not for revenge - its for you to really know if they regret the decisions they made. The circumstance is important too, if this was planned - leave. If this was somehow an accident, or your partner was in a dark place and needed comfort somewhere else, then hear them out at least. It takes an incredibly brave and strong person to leave a relationship and bond with someone in this way. - You need to think about what will benefit yourself in the future, and what will eventually make you happy and comfortable either with them again, or in your own company. At the end of the day, only you can feel what you feel, and there is no wrong answer or choice. Every decision you make in life moulds the person you are, and adds to the experiences you've had, and the pain you've felt.
Dec 16, 2015 more
If your significant other cheated on you then they obviously didn't feel as deeply about you as you did about them. While this may be painful to hear, you should break it off, especially if it is a reoccurring problem. You deserve better! You are strong, amazing, and borderline perfect. That means not only do you deserve better... You can do better!
Nov 13, 2014 more
Not necessarily. It depends on how and why they cheated. It also depends on how you feel afterwards. I mean, you'll obviously feel bad, but could you live with him/her and know that you were cheated on?
Dec 23, 2015 more
Unfortunately, yes. That person chose to hurt you in the most dishonest and disrespectful way. I know that people have forgiven cheaters, but at what cost to them. The loss of trust, or esteem. That person made the choices to break everything that was between you two by cheating. You dont deserve that ever. Don't lower yourself to stay with someone who does not care about you, the way you care for them.
Jan 1, 2016 more
Unfortunately, taking others advise will not solve the situation. Because its you. It's your feelings. How you feel, how you feel about the whole situtation. You could tell someone the whole of the problem you are experiencing and the pain, and they will not be able to match an answer to how you feel. This is something you need to take time out to think whether you want to continue or not. Will the trust still be there? Will they do it again? Would I be better off without them? .. Love is a weird thing. When we love someone deeply, we don't want to lose them and will accept what happens. But we need to think about us and our feelings, because in the long run, it may hurt even more than it actually does now, and you need to think about you, and how it will affect you later on in life. Cheating is a very serious problem, and once the damage is done, it can really affect our relationship big time because everything changes, whether it's for the good or bad. Do what you think is best. You know that person better than we do, probably a lot more than most people in their life.
Oct 25, 2014 more
Breaking up always seems to be the go-to answer. In fact from my experience I would talk to your partner to try and find out why that happened. Even though you feel betrayed and hurt and angry. Take time to collect your thoughts and emotions so this does not become a heated conversation. From then, both of you can decide what the next step can be.
Oct 25, 2015 more
That decision is truly for you to make; however, you should have an honest conversation with yourself. Ask and make yourself answer the difficult questions you may be afraid to ask yourself. Questions like: "What will I do if this happens again?" / "Will I be able to forgive him" / "Was my relationship everything I wanted?" / "Do I deserve better?" / "Is this acceptable to me?". Answer these honestly and without the nostalgia and rose colored glasses. You are the one whose opinion matters when it comes to your relationship.
Jul 2, 2018 more
Being cheated on, although is very hurtful, doesn't necessarily mean you should break up. If you love the other person enough to hear them out, ask why it happened, what could have been done differently, and see if it's a situation you can reflect on, grow from, and continue with. Society says it's horrible to be cheated on and you should leave the person but at the end of the day we are all individuals with different experiences. I personally like finding out what behaviors happen and see if it's something I'm willing to help the other person or myself before throwing in the towel. Don't follow the herd just because, learn along the way.
Dec 31, 2015 more
It would be best to. He/she chose to do something that they knew would hurt you. They did something that made them happy at the expense of your emotions. That is something that shouldn't be rewarded.
Jan 23, 2016 more
To be honest, i would say leave him/her. there's no point in waiting for someone who has no respect for you, your love, your affection, who doesn't care about your emotions. The question of breakup in itself is a pun. It's baseless, just be strong and get over the cheater. better be alone than be with someone who you know has played with your emotions.
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