Is it normal to miss the feeling of missing someone? And how to stop that?
Jul 25, 2020 more
Yes, it is normal to miss someone especially when it is you love ones because it shows that you loved them and they are once one part of your life. It doesn't matter how long you miss but it matters the value why you miss them. As the saying goes 'time heals'. let's live our life and do what makes us happy like doing things to make feel at ease on missing someone we love because that's part of our life, and looking forward to meet the missing person again and again and again. so let's be happy for them wherever they are right now.
Aug 7, 2020 more
Yes, it is normal to miss the feeling of missing someone. It is easy to find comfort and peace in the process of grieving. It is only when you feel that the pain is unbearable that you should stop. Stopping that urge can be challenging but it might be necessary for growth. A way you can direct your mind in another direction is by getting to know yourself. Understanding what drives your passion and inspiration can help you appreciate the feelings you have devolped or haven't. Not having the same reactions as those around you doesn't make your choice unusual. There is nothing wrong with the feelings you may encounter. It is okay if after you have taken some time away you miss the feeling of missing someone.
Aug 14, 2020 more
To think of the grieving process when someone is no longer a part of your life. We go through stages and sometimes those stages do not make sense. To really embrace what you might be feeling this way and what you feel like you need to take away from these thoughts and feeling. Also, to define to word normal, is there a true thing as normal? What does normal mean to you. So what may be normal to you may not be normal to someone else. So to look at these feelings and question why you may be having them and to understand that this may be normal to you.
Aug 20, 2020 more
Ofcourse it is. Even though how much hard time they made us feel, we always have that thought of missing them. And it is normal. You may not only miss the person but also the memories you have with them. It is because somehow they became a special person to you. And you may also find yourself, looking for that particular someone even though there are many people who surrounds you. it is because they still have that special place in your heart. Although it's hard to stop that, if you are really desperate, you need to think about some things. Distract yourself go to parties, watch movies. But becareful on meeting someone, or looking for someone just to forget him/her. Because you may make them a rebound or a past time unintentionally. But to sum it up, you need to try new things that isn't related to the person you want to forget. Like the things you never tried with him/her. But hey don't rush things, everything takes time. Healing takes time. And in time, all will be alright. In time, you will just find yourself, looking at that certain someone, without a hint of pain in you. I wish you happiness:)
Aug 30, 2020 more
It is completely normal to miss the feeling of missing someone. We've all experienced that certain feeling once up a time. There's no real way to stop it,but what you can do in efforts to minimize it is by finding ways to help distract yourself like taking up an old or new hobby or hanging with friends or getting lost in a long book series. Having healthy distractions can eventually take way that certain feeling that you miss and to help cope with things as a whole. What are some of your hobbies that you enjoy doing or hope to eventually pick up?
Sep 19, 2020 more
Missing someone is very normal. Not missing them is also normal. Feelings are addictive, just as any drug is addictive, and food is addictive. We become addicted to feelings such as joy, sorrow, meloncholy, being elated, depression, hating, loving, and yes, missing. If we have missed someone for a long time, and then stopped missing them as we move on in our life, we might occasionally miss the missing just as a reformed smoker misses a cigarette even though they quite 10 years ago. Missing is normal, as is not missing, as is the feeling of missing the missing.
Sep 20, 2020 more
Yes, it's normal to miss the feeling of missing someone. I'm learning to call a thing a thing to stop it. Start by inhaling (choosing to release the name of person) moving your face to the right, and exhale all the way to the left( releasing the name of the person you missing) back to the center. You do this every time you start to think about that person through the day. Did you could also journal your feelings each day. Take a few minutes out of your time to start working on yourself. Over time it will help.
Oct 14, 2020 more
Yes it is normal to miss someone. Naturally, missing your SO is a totally normal reaction to being separated from them. Whether you're apart for weeks, or if distance is a constant fixture in your relationship — we can all agree that pining after someone who isn't physically with you really sucks. So it's not surprising that the chemical reactions and what happens in your brain when you miss your partner can explain many of the feelings that may come up. As humans, we are often driven by brain processes we have no idea are occurring on a conscious level, but that doesn't mean that the feelings arising from these processes don't affect us in very real ways
Oct 24, 2020 more
well missing someone is normal it happens more when you have less people around you and you are more like attach to one person only. Being close with one person only and not being able to have friend circle of many have this effect more according to attachment theory. Though missing someone is totally common you do not have to feel that you are all alone with this unique nature that no human does. Just remember if you do not wish to mish someone so much and feel sad and lonely without him you should just start new hobby for eg you can join book club.
Dec 5, 2020 more
yes, of course it is, try to seek out to them, show that you have been missing them, for example message or call them on a social media, start out a conversation, just talk with them, then you could ask for a meet up, see them in person, and talk to them or see them regularly so the feeling of missing them doesnt come back, try to keep contact, go out and do fun activities like golfing, bowling, just chilling and watching netflix, playing video games, listening to music, or something else you would like to do with the person youve missed.
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