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Is it normal to miss the feeling of missing someone? And how to stop that?

Profile: Greatlistener87
Greatlistener87 on Jun 15, 2016 more
Sometimes if you are too adapted to missing that someone you can get hooked to it, remember to embrace the feeling you feel at that time, but once it has passed let it pass.
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Profile: RobVL
RobVL on Jul 8, 2016 more
A bit of a weird one to answer. Missing the feeling of missing feels like an acing back to an emotional state of mind that wasn't really healthy to start with. I might have this wrong on many levels but unless the person had a really profound positive effect on you, missing them or missing the feeling of missing them does not feel like something a truly happy or enriched person would embark on. How to stop it, this I think boils down to accepting what is and what was and being self aware in the process. Being self aware and accepting allows you to move past this. I don't think the memories will ever pass, but they can surely occupy a positive mind if the experiences where positive to start with.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 15, 2016 more
It is completely normal to miss feeling something towards someone. They say that time heals all- I would recommend keeping busy, and eventually, you'll forget about them.
Profile: Moonartisan
Moonartisan on Jun 30, 2018 more
Yes, it is a normal feeling. From experience when I've stopped thinking/missing my significant other I notice. Noticing has been a relief but some days there is panic, that panic of forgetting. I cope by remembering why we went our separate ways, that our relationship wasn't healthy. And I remind myself that I deserve love in a healthy relationship and it's okay to move on. I give myself permission to move on.
Profile: uniqueMango45
uniqueMango45 on Jul 27, 2016 more
Yes, I used to miss the feeling of missing my ex girlfriend because it made me feel some sense of romantic hope. I used to miss the feeling of missing a friend who stabbed me in the back because it reminded me of the good years we'd had together. You stop it by moving on and accepting it. Everything ends for a reason, and focusing only on the negative can only hurt.
Profile: wonderfulTurtle49
wonderfulTurtle49 on Jul 7, 2016 more
Yes it is. Missing someone is something inevtable especially when that person has touched our lives in various instances. Stopping it can be hard but directing our attentions to other things can be useful.
Profile: AnnieTheHelper
AnnieTheHelper on Jun 23, 2016 more
It is absolutely normal to miss the feeling of missing someone. When you miss someone, it may indicate that you have something good or desirable to you that makes you have such strong emotions in their absence. The best part to prevent yourself however from missing someone too much may be to occupy yourself with hobbies that you enjoy or other activities and to focus more attention on yourself!
Profile: GrowthMindset17
GrowthMindset17 on Aug 17, 2016 more
Yes. Part of moving on is the stage of missing someone. You can stop that by pushing away those memories from both of you and stop thinking about the could of's. Focus on your present,.
Profile: beyondlove
beyondlove on Feb 2, 2018 more
Yes it is totally normal to miss that feeling...Because some time we get tired of things,and our mind and emotion needs some space in it starts to avoid,ignore those maybe stay for a while or maybe little longer...but there is nothing to the end everything falls in it's own place and you will be alright..have a faith and hope... Thank you.
Profile: tinyCat07
tinyCat07 on Jun 15, 2016 more
It is normal and quite common. Missing this exact feeling is really not the best but surround yourself with caring people, could be friends, family,anyone. Taking up a hobby, sport could also get you distracted.
Profile: Rosyunicorns
Rosyunicorns on Jul 17, 2016 more
Yes, it is indeed a normal feeling. Missing is the first step to moving on, To stop missing them, remember the reasons you want to stop missing them. whether they did something wrong or even a past experience. Always have positive thoughts and remember that you are stronger than you think.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 30, 2016 more
Feelings like I miss missing this person... so they're with you and you want to miss them. Not normal. How to stop it: ask yourself why you miss the feeling of missing them. Ask yourself deeper questions about this.
Profile: Lovelypink
Lovelypink on Aug 26, 2016 more
Grief is one of the most normal emotions we all face, sharing with someone helps to process it and cope with it better
Profile: DiamondIntuition
DiamondIntuition on Aug 27, 2016 more
Staying busy with something provides a healthy distraction and will improve your environment. Focusing on tasks and completing them will make time pass quickly. Some days might be tougher than others, but there's always something you can do either around the house, work or outside
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 28, 2016 more
It is, because missing them is better than not feeling anything. Focusing on better things and good things in your life will help that a lot.
Profile: huggerLover14
huggerLover14 on Sep 1, 2016 more
It is completely normal to miss someone. I am afraid you can't stop it but if you are able to talk to them, it might be good to tell them how you feel.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 3, 2016 more
It is completely normal. You just have to remind yourself that it is good that you don't miss that someone anymore, and that you should let go completely.
Profile: sereneArrow91
sereneArrow91 on Apr 20, 2017 more
Yes. It is normal to miss the feeling of missing someone. We all ache for attention and all of us have the feeling of wanting to be nurtured, loved and taken care of, In order to reduce or stop this, a suggestion may be to meet new people, to stay around the ones we love, surround ourselves by your family and do whatever that makes us happy. This is a feeling which will gradually pass away and will take time.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 11, 2017 more
Yes I believe it is normal to miss someone but to take your mind off it so you don't stress about it so much it will help to stay busy and occupy your time with friends and family so you are not stressing about it so much and possibly making yourself sick from the stress
Profile: Duck08
Duck08 on Oct 27, 2017 more
Missing someone is completely normal. Personally, I feel we can never stop missing someone when they leave, but we can move on from loneliness and grief by being around good support and by loving and putting yourself first.
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