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How to get over someone you have to see everyday?

Profile: goldenLynx88
goldenLynx88 on Sep 11, 2016 more
Act as if you don't care. Don't give them importance. The more you will follow them or try to talk to them the more he will think he is something and important to your life. The more you don't care, he will see what he lose.
Breakups can be hard
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You have to leave your past in the past, and just think about the present and future. yes, it hurts, but you have to turn that pain into strength, and keep looking forward.
Profile: Ladybug11
Ladybug11 on Sep 13, 2016 more
It is important to acknowledge that what has happened happened, and that there is no going back. It will be painful at first but then once you learn to accept and move on it will get better, believe me it will. There is this hole that that someone left right, its not just something that is to be missed, it is also space, an opportunity. Use it to add something to your life that makes you happy :) a hobby, a friend, anything. You got this! It is your life and no-one should be able to affect you so much unless he/she is worth it. Keep your head high and keep going. We all believe in you!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 4, 2016 more
It may be that you are worried about how that person feels about you or what they may think. Keep in mind that what you think about yourself is the most important.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 13, 2016 more
To get over someone you have to see everyday IS hard and does not come easily. So if you thought it was going to be easy you can toss that belief right out the window. Accept that it will be difficult but also realize that before you were together you saw them everyday. Try to get back to that place.
Profile: GlassLion24
GlassLion24 on Aug 26, 2016 more
I've had experience with this. Such a difficult thing to do because hope can be so resilient. But I've found when you truly love someone, you'll be happy if they're happy, even if it's without you.
Profile: joyfulParadise42
joyfulParadise42 on Apr 9, 2017 more
I think ignoring is the best and for the best. I am in that situation too, it's been 7 months and now we are ignoring each other but I came to realize that is better to ignire each other than letting him make fun of me and taking me for granted. It may be hard but think about what is best for you.
Profile: Mikzwax
Mikzwax on Sep 23, 2016 more
just be confident and bold.. Never let him know his appearance have effects on you. Be strong enough to handle the situations
Profile: Supergirl94
Supergirl94 on Aug 11, 2016 more
Think of them differently, have a different perspective of things. :) Think positively about them and your past. But also acknowledge how things have changed, how things can still be good between you two as friends,
Profile: IronicallyGeminiLeo
IronicallyGeminiLeo on Nov 3, 2016 more
Try to keep conversation with them to a minimal. Make any necessary conversing succinct. Keep yourself occupied with other things, so you're too busy to think about them.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 5, 2016 more
By believing that they were in my life for a purpose and now that they have fulfilled that purpose they have to move on.
Profile: comfortingCreature55
comfortingCreature55 on Mar 2, 2017 more
I had/ have the same problem. My biggest hurdle is that (and I still dont know why) I feel embarassed in seeing that person. Knowing that they are in my same class, library, shop, etcetera. I dont know if you have this same reaction, but two things helped me the most. The first one is humour. We didnt talk for many months, but sometimes we had small talks when we met on the street. And I felt kinda more relaxed when we talked about funny things, we joked about other things in life, problems at university, weird things generally. Which made us laugh. That helped me breaking the ice and made me know that, since then when we met, there is a "lighter" atmosphere between us, and I automatically can focus on other things too. The second thing is, and Im gonna explain you better, that yes: they are not the only girl/boy on the planet. I couldn’t stand people telling me this, cause I want only that person and they are not in love with them unlike me. BUT: with this second concept I dont mean just that. Rather: I often noticed that this person kinda changed (in better) their behaviour towards me or that they just didnt embarass me anymore when I "showed" them that they really are not the only girl/boy on this planet. By talking, laughing, studying with other people of their same gender. Simply hanging out. It made the situation again lighter for "me", as I felt a bit less attached to this person, and this person really noticed that they hadnt that much power over me like before. Im personally still working on it, but I know that it has to do with constance and with time :) That doesnt mean you will get over immediately or that you “have” to be interested in these other people. It helps u cope more with the fact u have to see this person everyday. I wish you good luck
Profile: JessicaMae
JessicaMae on Aug 13, 2016 more
The most important thing is simply to breath. No body is perfect. Remember that you will probably live 70-90+ years. Do not let this person ruin it or discourage you in any way. Be kind and treat others the way that you would personally want to be treated.
Profile: Nyssa2506
Nyssa2506 on Sep 21, 2017 more
It's mind over matter. It's not easy, I agree. Had to go through this myself. Just sit down somewhere peaceful in solitude and talk to yourself. Why is it important to get over that person? What made you part ways? Do you love yourself enough to let this go & find peace & love within yourself? What more important things are there in the world than that person?.... and so on and so forth, Just empower yourself, make yourself strong and remember - you can do anything if you put your mind to it!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 14, 2017 more
It's hard but eventually you will get over it. The process is long. But you should just accept the fact that the person is right there and that they won't go away anytime soon. Just be okay with it and sooner or later you'll see that their presence won't bother you anymore. They will become just another person in the room. You just have to accept it.
Profile: believe222
believe222 on Aug 25, 2016 more
you just have to keep going with life , you will end up finding someone that wants you . just try not to look at that person and don't talk to that person.
Profile: Patty24
Patty24 on Aug 17, 2016 more
Getting over anyone can be hard, especially if you were together for some time. Turn this time into focusing on yourself. Understand that It will be challenging not to think about that person after seeing them every day, but trust in your strength to overcome. Focus on how better things are without this person and use that energy to keep moving forward.
Profile: happyrosestar
happyrosestar on Sep 30, 2016 more
You politely say good morning and only talk about relevant information and nothing else. You don't exchange any information about your personal life
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 3, 2016 more
try not to over think about your personal past with them. focus on what you are there for not that specific person.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 7, 2016 more
It can be hard, but sometimes you have to do things the hard way. You have to remind yourself constantly that if it was meant to be it would have been.
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