How to get closure from my ex? I feel I need it.
Feb 25, 2021 more
Not getting proper closure can definitely be tough and not ideal but in this situation, the best thing you can do is to remind yourself that the closure is the fact that you guys aren't together anymore. If you were meant to be together, you would. The fact that you're not is your closure, and your true person is out there waiting for you. Keep your chin up. They aren't meant for you at this point of time at least. As hard as it is, things will get much better and you will find your person when it's the right time :)
Mar 7, 2021 more
Everyone is different, but I think the most important closure is with and created by yourself. Independence is important, and you don't need closure from someone else. Unfortunately, relationships end. But this is a perfect time to work on yourself and improve in your life. Every day, the sun goes down and it comes to an end. But remember that it will rise tomorrow. No one needs to tell you this for you to accept it. This is like an ended relationship. You are strong, independent, and handle another day ending every single evening. Accepting things have ended is the key to closure. Because when you accept it, you have your own closure and nothing will change the fact that things have happened the way they did. But life moves on, and remember there was a time you were without this person. I want you to be able to close your eyes, take a breath, and open them with the new thought that tomorrow the sun will rise, it's a new day, and you're ready to take it on. You got this! :)
Mar 12, 2021 more
Hello, I'm sorry that you are being troubled with this situation. I can understand the need for closure from someone that you had feelings for. I know that the feeling can be overwhelming at times but everyone's situation is different. Do you feel that you and your Ex have left on good enough terms to allow for talking about topics like this or do you feel that things may become worse if you try to talk to your ex about this? Sometimes it's good to reflect on ourselves to avoid negative input from people that may want to say negative things just to hurt us.
Apr 24, 2021 more
Letting go someone can be difficult and knowing the cause for separating becomes important. If you feel the need for closure, the best way is to communicate. You both should share and express your thoughts and feelings and come up with a decision. But you should keep in mind, and directly state that you do not want to be together. However, not having a closure from your ex is okay. It is more important to get closure from within. For example, from within you should feel, 'Whatever may be the reason, I am moving on and it is for the best.'
May 19, 2021 more
Getting closure depends on the person, and only you can understand how to get closure from your ex. However, there is one common factor for anyone who gets closure: time. A good first step is being patient and understanding that closure takes time and it can't be forced. I know how frustrating and painful it can be to experience the aftermath of a breakup. Being there myself, I tried so desperately to find closure and quickly move on. However, it was only time that helped me to heal. There are other people who are there for you to listen and give you the space to heal. In the end, you will slowly get the closure over time through ways that worked for you specifically.
May 23, 2021 more
Sometimes we don’t get the chance to get a closure with the other person, understand that we can’t force them to give us that if they are already going on with their life, wish them well, and try your best on doing the same, make something symbolic write a letter expressing everything you would like to say to the other person, so you can let that out of your system, people will do what they want to do and it is totally fine, we can too, but we need to start putting ourself first and care for us Gil up our love tank with self love, remember that not everyone it’s ready to met with you at the same level that you are and it ok, once we learn and accept that, it is easier to let go of what wasn’t good for us.
May 23, 2021 more
Text them, let them know that it's over, but you need closure, and talk about whatever is on your mind. Don't be shy, or hesitant when it comes to this; if they talk, you'll be at peace, and if they don't, you know what the relationship means to them, and they're not worth your time, and you're still at peace. Also give him the space to understand you. Let him be free with you make him understand it's okay to not to be ok. I think you should plan dates with him make him feel happy and let him know ur there
Jun 3, 2021 more
Make a list of the things that went wrong in the relationships or the things they did to mistreat you. Make another list of the positives you offered them in the relationship. Anytime you think of the ex, read the lists. Remind yourself that the past is the past. It was meant to teach you and prepare you for what is to come. Yes you lost someone you had strong feelings for, but one day you will not have to worry about someone leaving. This person will stay forever. Or, maybe you will realize that you do not need anybody. That your self love is enough and you will love a happy life doing what makes you feel complete.
Jun 9, 2021 more
Text them, let them know that it's over, but you need closure, and talk about whatever is on your mind. Don't be shy, or hesitant when it comes to this; if they talk, you'll be at peace, and if they don't, you know what the relationship means to them, and they're not worth your time, and you're still at peace.Seeking closure is especially beneficial in situations where the relationship ended via text, Jonathan Bennett, a certified counselor and relationship expert, tells Bustle. Nothing's worse than a partner calling things off a little too casually — or straight up ghosting — after you've spent a lot of time together.
Jun 12, 2021 more
Hi. It’s tough to feel like you’re not getting closure from an ex, I’m glad you reached out for support.
Sometimes we aren’t able to get closure and we have to begin to accept the circumstance independently. However, the best way to get closure is to reach out to the person and ask for one last constructive conversation. It’s important to understand that everyone around you has boundaries to protect their own well being, and they are entitled to that.
If you ask this person to have one last chat with you and they say no, it’s time to accept that they are not going to be able to give you the closure you need. It’s possible to work through your feelings to find a resolution, it takes time.
I hope you are able to get what you need to move on and feel at peace. Don’t hesitate to connect with a listener!
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